by The Elijah Challenge | May 10, 2022 | India
Praise Report from India – April 2022 . “What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?”. Truly we praise God that He deigns to use His people to accomplish His eternal goals. In March we had two major feeding events and gospel...
by The Elijah Challenge | May 10, 2022 | India
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of his kingdom to unreached regions of India.” . Selected reports from among many… “A man named Dasaratha (above & below) had an ugly-looking skin disease in both legs and the...
by The Elijah Challenge | May 8, 2022 | India
“Thank you so much for your intercessory prayers and financial support. We are receiving good reports from our workers in the Lord’s harvest fields here in India.” . Selected reports from among many… “After a bad accident, Gangadhar Samal could neither walk...
by The Elijah Challenge | May 3, 2022 | India
“Greetings to you in Jesus’ precious name. Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of His kingdom in very needy regions here in India.” . Selected reports from among many… “For four years a woman named Sukra Oram (above...
by The Elijah Challenge | Apr 26, 2022 | India
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of His kingdom in India. We are thankful to God for the very fruitful blessings on the ministry in areas of India where the gospel has never been preached.” . Selected reports from...
by The Elijah Challenge | Apr 25, 2022 | India
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support. The Lord is so very gracious to use our workers to reach a previously unreached area with the gospel. We rejoice to receive powerful reports from our harvest workers in the field.” . Selected...