Over 2,800 testimonies since 2018 with videos

(Click to read and watch videos)

INDIA – Since 2018 over 2,800 reports of miracles: over 70,000 believers and over 2,000 house churches and 50 Unreached People Groups reached
since 2018 (despite COVID) through trained workers in region where baptism is ILLEGAL

Most recent testimonies:

INDIA: During very troubling times in Orissa, the Lord continues to use the miraculous to bring souls to Jesus

Hindu woman attacked by young male cow and left bedridden miraculously healed in Jesus’ name

.The Training behind these many testimonies…


…Training described as “stunning…heaven on earth”


Authority & Power VERSUS “the gift of healing”


Many SECRET baptisms taking place in a state in INDIA in 2024 — where baptisms are ILLEGAL










