Rena was from the Sundanese tribe of West Java, a huge Muslim people group known to be very resistant to the gospel. She had been drawn to the gospel meetings held by Elijah Challenge-trained “Pastor Elijah” in her region of Pangalengan. However, as she felt that age was catching up with her, she hurriedly got married but to a Muslim man. In her new role as the wife of a Muslim, she had to follow him in his faith. So she stopped attending the gospel meetings completely. Pastor Elijah had been ministering to her, and he felt sad that he could not get her back to the Lord. Moreover, Rena had moved away to a village far away from his area.

Not long after that, Pastor Elijah received the bad news that Rena was extremely ill. She had developed a cancerous cyst in her womb and it had burst. Her relatives rushed her to Emmanuel Hospital in Bandung – a two-hour drive from her village. By the time, she arrived, her body was badly dehydrated as she had not been able to drink water for ten days. After the medical examination, the diagnosis of her ruptured ovarian cyst was not good. The medical team felt that they could not do anything to help her and told the family to give her the best comfort at home and get ready for her funeral as she would die very soon.

The two-hour drive back to the village was excruciating for Rena who was in extreme pain. Apparently, the infection had spread and her emaciated body could hold on longer. She promptly passed away at around 5:00 PM. According to Muslim tradition, she was to be buried as soon as possible. As the relatives prepared her dead body for the burial ceremony, Rena shared later that at that moment, her spirit was moving through a very dark tunnel.

A video re-enactment of the miracle by the actual people involved

When Pastor Elijah received the news of Rena’s death, his spirit was very troubled. He told us that he was very “unsatisfied” with this outcome. He immediately prayed to the Lord and received a stunning instruction from on high. He was to raise Rena from the dead and at a distance. Human reasoning started to bring doubt into his mind but he overcame it by what he had learned from The Elijah Challenge. He had heard from the Lord and he was to activate his mountain-moving faith to raise the dead. And he was to do it with “distance healing” through the kingly authority given to him by the Lord.

Pastor Elijah telephoned one of his leaders who lived in that village to visit Rena. He told this elder to “wake” Rena up so as to meet him at Emmanuel Hospital in Bandung. The elder was puzzled at the request. He told his pastor in no uncertain terms, “Rena is dead”. He continued to explain that he was a little busy collecting funds for Rena’s funeral. Pastor Elijah assured him that he understood that Rena had died and that was why he was requesting the elder and his wife to go and raise Rena up on his behalf.

During our 2015 training seminar, we met up with this elder and his wife. We asked him why he and his wife simply obeyed and went. The humble brother said that because he considered himself a soldier in the kingdom of God and when God’s pastor gave him an order, he had to obey. And so without a doubt, the elder and his wife rushed to Rena’s house. The elder’s wife managed to get in to see Rena’s body. All the mourners were around the body, chanting their prayer and they were wondering what this woman was going to do with the dead body. With mountain-moving faith, the elder’s wife took Rena’s hand and commanded, “Rena, get up in the name of Jesus!” The power and authority of God began to flow into Rena and she started to move her fingers. Then Rena opened her eyes to the great surprise of all the mourners. The Elder’s wife told Rena, “You have to meet Pastor Elijah at Emmanuel Hospital.”

The village was in commotion. They had never seen or heard of anyone being raised from the dead. As the relatives drove Rena to meet Pastor Elijah, almost all the villagers followed them in their own vehicles. Pastor Elijah was surprised to see so many villagers at the hospital. The medical team examined Rena and found her to be very much alive and all she needed was hydration by means of intravenous solution. The next day, Rena was able to leave the hospital because the medical team had discovered that the ovarian cyst had miraculously vanished and the infection was gone. This was a double miracle. After being raised from the dead, the Lord had also given her a clean bill of health.

When we met Rena at our 2015 training seminar, it was already three years since her resurrection from the dead. Today, our dear sister is living in good health, and the best of all is that she has become a dedicated handmaiden of the Lord. Her resurrection had also caused the people from the other religion to respond positively to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

We thank God for Pastor Elijah who received a prompting of the Holy Spirit and was willing to take this step of mountain-moving faith—as he had been trained to do by The Elijah Challenge.

— Pastor Albert Kang, Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Asia and Founding Pastor of FaithLine International Ministries, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

More on the very fruitful ministry of “Pastor Elijah”





