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All donations are used for missions worldwide as God opens the door for us during these Last Days.
Thank you for your interest!
Our Mission
In obedience to Luke 10:2, The Elijah Challenge trains and sends native disciples to gospel-resistant regions of the Third World. They preach the gospel as Jesus commanded: “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘the kingdom of God has come near to you.’”
Your support has enabled thousands to be trained and millions to come to Christ through evangelism outreach, personal healings, and door to door ministry.
Choose How to Give to The Elijah Challenge
When you give online you have the option to choose between our General Fund which will reach to one of many or concentrate our efforts toward unreached people groups in India or China.
Giving Via Paypal
If you would prefer to pay via PayPal, our PayPal account is [email protected]
Give One Time or Schedule Regular Giving
Our online system enables you to choose the frequency of your gift.
By Check Via Mail
You may mail your offering to:
The Elijah Challenge
211 Baker Road #168
Barker, Texas 77413, USA
Scan Our QR Code Below!

How The Elijah Challenge Uses Donations
From 2015 to 2018 through Elijah Challenge Gospel Events in India conducted by trained workers in unreached areas and villages, 68,964 people heard the gospel, received effective healing prayer, and were fed. Out of these, 57,182 prayed to accept Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Savior. Uncounted thousands were miraculously healed of infirmities and delivered from demons in Jesus’ name. We tracked our expenses and estimated the cost for each salvation was only $2.81! The total number of believers trained totaled 5,901.
Evangelism Training
The Elijah Challenge trains indigenous harvest workers how to heal the sick miraculously and consistently by the authority of Jesus Christ as compelling evidence that He is the Messiah and the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Sending Harvest Workers
We send highly-trained harvest workers to India and other unreached regions—just as Jesus sent the 72 disciples out two-by-two. Like the early disciples in Acts, our harvest workers are now witnessing powerful miracles resulting in extraordinary harvests of souls as they go from village to village.
Open-Air Evangelistic Events
We also send teams of trained workers to unreached
villages for events where crowds of villagers will gather
together to hear the gospel, to be healed of their infirmities
and set free from demons, and to be fed a satisfying meal.
Hundreds of people typically accept Christ at each event.
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Information
The Elijah Challenge is a 501(c)(3) non-profit church organization and all donations are tax deductible.
EIN# 76-0418649 Under Grace Community Fellowship of Houston, Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA