by The Elijah Challenge | Apr 26, 2020 | India
Jelsi . “One of our new believers has a three-and-a-half-year-old girl named Jelsi Bhoi. He had trained with The Elijah Challenge, and has accompanied us to a few places for ministry. Whenever he gets an opportunity to minister healing to the sick, he does....
by The Elijah Challenge | Apr 19, 2020 | India, Uncategorized
“Glory to God! Thank God for His protection over all of us. During this COVID-19 lockdown we are experiencing the hand of God in our ministry. In some places the lockdown is very strict, but in other places our workers are relatively free to go minister...
by The Elijah Challenge | Apr 18, 2020 | Articles/Teaching, India
John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” We who believe in Jesus Christ of course desire to be loved by him and his Father. Of...
by The Elijah Challenge | Apr 17, 2020 | Articles Previously on Homepage, Articles/Teaching, India
The rift between evangelicals and charismatics, familiar to older leaders in the Church, has simmered for over a half century. Out of respect for Christ’s command to love one another, they generally no longer criticize one another openly but rather go their own...
by The Elijah Challenge | Apr 16, 2020 | India
“Thank you so much for your prayer and financial support. By the grace of God our Elijah Challenge ministry has continued during the current lockdown in India. The Lord is so gracious to use our workers to proclaim the kingdom of God even during this worldwide...
by The Elijah Challenge | Apr 13, 2020 | Articles/Teaching, India, Uncategorized
During these Last Days when so much work needs to be done during the short time which remains before the end (Matthew 24:14), the Lord is graciously fulfilling His unbelievable promise in John 14:11-12—as hard as it may be for the contemporary Church to...