Back in 2003 The Elijah Challenge trained a group of servants of God in one of the world’s five most populous nations. Our goal was to penetrate the world’s largest unreached people group consisting of tens of millions of gospel-resistant Muslims in that country.
Back in 2003 The Elijah Challenge trained a group of servants of God in one of the world’s five most populous nations. Our goal was to penetrate the world’s largest unreached people group consisting of tens of millions of gospel-resistant Muslims in that country.
One of the servants of God we trained named “Markus” began to apply what he had learned from us. He began to heal the sick miraculously in Jesus’ name among the Muslims and to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God—just as Jesus commanded the 72 disciples in Luke 10:9. On one occasion, a dead woman was raised back to life before a roomful of Muslims who were preparing to bury her (click on the link below). Since then, the Lord has made him more fruitful than any other ministry in that nation reaching out to this gospel-resistant people group—bringing over 4,000 of them to Isa Almasih (Jesus Christ in their dialect) as their Lord and Savior. The report is at Reaching the “Unreachable” in Asia.
In December 2018 Pastor “Markus” held a relatively large-scale outreach over two days with the help of his believers, who invited their non-believing family members to a two-day Christmas Celebration of 1,000 people where the sick would be healed and the gospel preached. The believers were able to gather together 500 family members to hear the gospel. The result was a historic mini-people movement to Isa Almasih within this gospel-resistant tribe.
Over the two days about 500 believers brought along 500 non-believing family members where they witnessed compelling miraculous healings as evidence of the truth of the gospel which “Markus” had shared. Among the 500 non-believing family members, 85% responded to the message of the gospel and accepted Isa as their Lord and Savior. The remaining 15% want to learn and to receive the gospel.
So it was a very fruitful outreach—a mini-people movement—to this tribe considered the largest gospel-resistant unreached people group on the face of planet earth!