On a weekend in June 2018, we taught The Elijah Challenge at Union Baptist Association in Houston. Then the following Saturday we applied what was taught at an evangelistic Outreach held at Brickhaven Apartments in Houston—a complex where many Muslims live. The organizers of this Outreach were Daniel & Elizabeth who have an apartment in Brickhaven.
Other trained disciples joined us at the Saturday Outreach, and the Lord graciously enabled us to obey Luke 10:9 where he commanded his disciples to “heal the sick who are there and tell them, “the kingdom of God has come near to you.'”
Donna Caster was one of the disciples who attended The Elijah Challenge Training as well as the subsequent Outreach. In her blog https://donnacaster.wordpress. com/ Donna shared about what she witnessed last Saturday (the below excerpt slightly edited for clarity).
“I met people from Burma, Syria, Iraq, and Mexico. Our group split up 2 x 2 as we met and talked and ministered to people. I and another sister prayed with three Muslim girls to receive Christ. One of the girls had to flee her home in Syria with her family, and they went to Iraq and made it into the US. She is living with her mom and five siblings; her father had died. She was so hungry to know more about God. She said that when we prayed with her she “saw a whole New World, very bright.” She was so excited she brought two of her friends to us and we ended up praying for the three girls.
One of the three girls had a brother who had sprained his foot badly. It was all bandaged up and he had to walk on crutches. He came with pain in his foot, and asked for healing. We commanded the pain to leave in Jesus’ name. After three times of ministry, he reported that the pain, which he said had been at the level of ten, had dropped to zero. He began to walk around pain-free without his crutches. The girl and boy’s father (who saw his son walking without his crutches) came down from his apartment overlooking the pool area. He shared that he had pain in two areas of his body, and after trained disciples laid hands on him he also was miraculously healed. Three members of this Muslim family were all touched in a special way by the love of Isa —the name of Jesus in their native language.”
The pool area as shown on the Brickhaven website
Other team members also shared what they had witnessed during the Outreach. Two brothers saw a Muslim man walking along with a limp. He agreed for them to lay hands on him for healing. The Lord touched him miraculously and immediately he was able to walk normally. As he was driving out of the apartment complex, he called out to the brothers and asked them whom he could contact to learn more about “your religion.”
Please pray that the seed of the gospel which has just been planted in the Brickhaven Apartments will grow and bear much good fruit for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Daniel and Elizabeth will follow up on what the Lord did last Saturday, and start a house church in the Apartments.