On April 17, 2017 Raj Phillips in Australia wrote:
I am required to have a test (coronary angiogram) done soon to determine the extent of the blockage. I am asking for your prayer support to ask for the Lord to intervene to heal and restore my health. Pray that I will not have to go for open heart surgery. I am a believer and know that Jesus can heal me.


We replied: Dear Raj, thank you for contacting us with regard to your heart problem. If you’d like, our trained co-worker Steve Hernandez can minister effective healing to you over skype in Jesus’ name.


Steve who is based in Texas began to minister healing over a period of time to Raj in Australia. During that time other believers also prayed.


From: Jennifer Warren (Raj’s wife)
Date: May 16, 2017 at 11:56:51 PM CDT
To: Steve Hernandez
Subject: Re: Update

Raj’s cardioversion or electric shock was called off, Steve! His rhythm is back to normal. God has healed him. Thank you for your prompt praying. I believe that our prayers have been answered because of all the prayers from our brothers and sisters in Christ. Below is a text message we received today from one of our prayer warrior friends named Sue on a vision she had—that is simply awesome!!

Here’s the vision she had…just to encourage you: “…I saw Jesus in his room by the bed near Raj’s feet then he went and stood by his right side. He leaned over and put His right hand over Raj’s heart. It was like it was cupped. Then I saw electricity go from Jesus’ hand into Raj’s heart. I felt that God had regulated his rhythm. Glory and praise to God for He is almighty to save. Bless you for your faithfulness in prayer.”