by The Elijah Challenge | Jul 16, 2021 | India
“I’m very glad to be able to send you reports on the marvelous things the Lord is doing through our harvest workers. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support.” . Selected reports among many… “For several months young Jagat (above & below)...
by The Elijah Challenge | Jul 13, 2021 | India
Praise Report – June 2021 By Veronica David In the month of June some of the states started to open up for public gatherings as the COVID-19 cases started to drop. We were able to hold two public meetings in Amritsar & Firozpur (Punjab) and one in...
by The Elijah Challenge | Jul 13, 2021 | India
“Greetings to you in Jesus precious name! Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of His kingdom here in India. Especially during this critical time period, we rejoice to see our harvest workers bearing good fruit for the...
by The Elijah Challenge | Jul 12, 2021 | Articles/Teaching, India
1 Timothy 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. . When in Scripture Paul teaches...
by The Elijah Challenge | Jul 10, 2021 | India
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support. We are so blessed to receive wonderful reports from our harvest workers. Our gracious Lord is using them in powerful ways. Although until today many people are dying from COVID-19, I am receiving...
by The Elijah Challenge | Jul 6, 2021 | India
“Thank you so much for your intercessor and financial support. I am planning to visit our harvest fields from this month onward. Please pray!” . Selected reports from among many… “Suresh (above & below) was suffering from fever, cough and cold — all...