by The Elijah Challenge | Aug 14, 2020 | Articles/Teaching, India
With the current worldwide pandemic appearing as yet another sign of the very Last Days, few believers are seriously considering what Jesus declared MUST TAKE PLACE before the end. Most of us rather are praying for an end to the pandemic or praying for revival...
by The Elijah Challenge | Aug 12, 2020 | India
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support. All our Elijah Challenge workers are doing well and are safe. Praise the Lord for your burden to reach out to the unreached of India.” . Selected reports from among many… “In the village of Telimal...
by The Elijah Challenge | Aug 10, 2020 | India
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of His kingdom in India. By the grace of God we are able to reach previously unreached places even during this critical time of a world-wide pandemic.” . Selected reports from...
by The Elijah Challenge | Aug 8, 2020 | India, Uncategorized
“Praise the Lord for His great work in our harvest field through our Elijah Challenge workers. The Lord is so good to us as we also all are doing well. Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support.” . Selected reports from among many Demati...
by The Elijah Challenge | Aug 5, 2020 | India
“Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you so much for your inspiring testimony last Saturday, it was very powerful and a great blessing to us. I will share it with our harvest workers.” . Selected reports from among many…...
by The Elijah Challenge | Jul 31, 2020 | Articles/Teaching, India
Missiologists tell us that between 3,000 and 7,000 people groups must be reached during the remaining time before the end (Matthew 24:14). These peoples are mostly non-Christian gospel-resistant peoples in the Third world who adhere to Islam, Hinduism,...