Missionaries Butch and Janet Berner of Light of Africa hosted The Elijah Challenge in Zambia in February 2005

Butch & Janet’s Light of Africa Powerpoint Presentation

Initial Elijah Challenge Training in Zambia in 2005


Butch’s dramatic 2010 testimony  Before and after training with The Elijah Challenge

African disciples heal the sick powerfully after Elijah Challenge Training

Testimony of Trail Missions Founder Jack Mututwa after Elijah Challenge Training

Extraordinary report on Inaugural Event of Elijah Challenge South Africa  Butch & Janet minister teach at opening of ECSA

African pastor trained by Butch Berner has had no illness and no deaths in his churches in nearly ten years
  Sharing by appreciative pastor in Zambia mentored by Butch

Blind eyes opened; 250 infirm people healed; 145+ people accept Christ
  A harvest of souls following The Elijah Challenge Training with Butch
Miraculous healing in the African bush
  9-year-old girl lying without ability to move, speak, or even lift her head


Butch teaches The Elijah Challenge Livingstone  Many are healed and set free from demons
A true love story (and a miracle!)
  A testimony by Janet
The Elijah Challenge Training in Burkina Faso
  Many are healed as Butch trains churches in this West African nation
Elijah Challenge Zimbabwe
  Butch teaches The Elijah Challenge to 45 disciples in Bulawayo
The spirit and power of Elijah in South Africa
  People are healed (including HIV) and the kingdom of God advances as Butch trains a local church with The Elijah Challenge
Butch teaches The Elijah Challenge Basic Training in Zambia
  Many healed of infirmities and set free from demons; thirty people believe in Jesus Christ
Butch conducts The Elijah Challenge Training in Liberia & Burkina Faso
  Hundreds of miraculous healings during Training & Crusades as Africa servants of God minister to the infirm
Testimony of Brother Lennell Perry
  Oklahoman trained by Butch goes to Hindu stronghold of Nepal and witnesses many miraculous healings
Butch & The Elijah Challenge in Burkina Faso, May 2008
  Countless healings at Christian & Missionary Alliance District Conference in Djibasso
Butch’s trip to Burkina Faso in April 2008
  Revival breaks out in Djibasso touching even neighboring country of Mali
April 2008 Report
  Hundreds gather on Wednesdays & Fridays in Burkina Faso church for healing after training by Butch in April 2007
The testimony of Pastor Benard Okello in Kenya
  His congregation grows from 60 to 300 after being trained by Butch
October 2007 Newsletter
  Butch’s Elijah Challenge Training events bear fruit
The testimony of Pastor Charles Malaya
  Ministry of Zambian pastor completely transformed after Elijah Challenge Training with Butch Kenya,
September 2007
  Church explodes from 60 to 300 within 13 months after Butch trains the congregation
Burkina Faso, April 2007  Many miraculous healings during Butch’s initial trip to Burkina Faso to teach The Elijah Challenge
Zambia, 2006  Butch teaches The Elijah Challenge in Botswana
Zambia, 2005  Oral Roberts University and Oklahoma University missionary teams trained by Butch and witness miraculous healings