An awesome married couple Sarhonda (Shar) and Gabriel (Teddy) came into my work to tour our resort while in Las Vegas.  

Toward the end of the tour Shar asked me, “do you have any ailments?”  I said, “yes I have had a bad back for the past 45 years, cartilage in my shoulders that I can crunch on demand, and Type 2 diabetes.”

She said, “my husband and I minister healing through Jesus Christ.”

Since I am a follower of Jesus I said, “Awesome. I have been seeking a church that will lay on hands for real—and not for show or dough—if you know what I mean.”

“I have been seeking a church that will lay on hands for real—and not for show or dough—if you know what I mean.”

Shar and Gabriel prayed over me three times while laying on hands on me and rebuking all my ailments in Jesus’ name.  I felt a burning in my back and shoulders.  She asked how I felt and I said that I can still feel it some.  Then they ministered a second time.  My spine felt like it was wrapped in a white cover.  My shoulders felt warm down to the top part of my arms.  My posture straightened up. After the second round I could no longer crunch my cartilage—to this day.  The next day I noticed in the kitchen that my height and eyes when facing the microwave were “taller” than before.  

I’m going to have to watch the diabetes and monitor the improvement. 

I feel like I’m 27—not 57—with a new vision and empowered energy toward a new future keeping God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit first in every part of my life until my last earthly breath.

My prayers go to Sarhonda and Gabriel for coming into my life.  

Keep up the work.  Some will say “no” and shun you.  Dust them off and move on—just as Jesus told his disciples.  If a city rejects you, dust off your feet and move on to the next city.

We need earthly contacts and communion with others as well as saints to win the battle on earth. “Where two or three are gathered there am I also.” Amen!

– by John R. in Las Vegas
June 28, 2015


Sarhonda & Teddy lead Eternities Tour
and now host Elijah Challenge Training Events


Reports from Teddy & Shar