Dennis first trained with The Elijah Challenge in 2011

Dennis Green is a retired Houston-based engineer. He finished a Master’s Degree in 2010 at Christian Leadership University, and since then has taken additional courses including “Prayers that Heal the Heart”. Then he took the course “God’s Provision for Healing” which includes A. L. Gill’s materials as well as the resources of Henry Wright (“A more Excellent Way”), and T. L. Osborn. Then he did an extra project for the course on The Elijah Challenge Training Manual. It was at that time that Dennis attended The Elijah Challenge Training, and started seeing people healed.

Dennis wrote:

“I went through The Elijah Challenge training about a year ago and am amazed at the number of people that have been healed that I have prayed over. Prior to that I had prayed for many people through the previous 15 years and only saw one or two healed. Now I see people healed on a regular basis. Praise the Lord!”

As of March 2013, Dennis has already witnessed about sixty people healed, many of them when he ministered to them at a distance.

“Weird heart beats” & shortness of breath in India gone after phone call from Houston

Symptoms of heart valve disease vanish in Jesus’ name

Miraculous healing at a distance of heart disease between Houston and the Philippines

Ministering healing at a distance (Luke 7) between Houston & Fiji Islands

Houston woman with stage 4-5 cancer healed miraculously during ministry

Heart condition of believer in Toronto healed miraculously from Houston

Testimony of Canadian Gospel Preacher Antonio

Nigerian man set free from daily symptoms of heart attack

Deep chest pain disappears following ministry at a distance

God saves a believing couple $8,000 to $10,000 in medical expenses for baby son

Jamaican woman’s voice restored by disciple who ministered at a distance from Houston

Woman in the UK healed from angina at a distance from Houston

Sister with coronary disease touched by the Lord

Miracle of Atlantic City minister’s heart condition

God’s healing power manifest at the launching of Elijah Challenge Houston

Man with heart condition runs up and down stairs

Healed of possible mini-heart attack & mini-stroke

Ministry for heart & artery disease, diabetes and high blood pressure

Baby girl with congenital heart condition

Healing-at-a-distance between Houston and Zambia, East Africa