Neil Pressley hosted The Elijah Challenge Training in New Jersey
July 2013
A lady who attended the training had called someone in the hospital to minister healing at a distance during the demonstration at the last Training session on Saturday. The next day the person was released from the hospital. During that demonstration a Hispanic sister also ministered to someone with a heart condition over her cell phone. The person with the heart condition at the other end reported that her symptoms had miraculously disappeared.
Little girl’s UTI healed miraculously!
Last Monday our hosts Neil and Vonetta Pressley ministered to a little girl who had a urinary tract infection with symptoms of a burning sensation during urination, blood in her urine and pain. We laid hands on her with the healing command in Jesus’ name. Later that day she was taken to the doctor, who saw no signs of the UTI. All symptoms were gone, and the child was healed.
A pastor having pain in her intestines was healed. Hands were laid on her with the healing command. Afterwards she said she felt no more pain.
A sister had fibroids she could feel in her body and which caused her noticeable discomfort when she shook her body. After two of three times of ministry, she could no longer feel the fibroids and there was no more discomfort when she shook herself. The next day she continued to feel free from the fibroids.
An elderly 84-year-old woman was healed of hearing loss when she came up for ministry during the demonstration of healing. During another session, her arm was healed as she sat in her seat. Prior to that she could not lift or move her arm freely. A pastor was also healed of hearing loss, while a sister could no longer hear the ringing in her ear caused by tinnitus.
At the end of the first session, Pastor Kevin Taylor came limping forward with a bad knee and swollen leg. After hands were laid on him the knee pain disappeared and he was able to jump up and down. The swelling had also miraculously subsided. Before that a woman who had pain in her back suddenly discovered that it had disappeared after two sisters laid hands on her.
These miracles all took place without the usual “drama” which often accompanies such ministry in some circles of the church. Rather, the disciples simply followed the example of Jesus Himself with the laying on of hands and the issuing of commands with authority in His name.