May 2014
Last week, we were with Pakistani refugees who were transiting in Bangkok. There were many miracles because of their simple faith. Just the first round of commands and majority were healed. Amazing. Among them were Ms who have come to follow Jesus Christ. Being displaced and unwanted have caused these M people to turn to the real God of hope!
Once again, thank you so much for imparting to us the life-changing Elijah Challenge teaching! You never know how God has used you to turn our ministry around – from a powerless one to a most powerful one! Thousands have been healed and inspired to heal others and share the Gospel with signs and wonders. The “domino effect” is really amazing. With the Holy Spirit moving so rapidly, we hardly have time to breathe. We are leaving for another city south of here to conduct The Elijah Challenge in a church there next week. Praise the Lord for you and all glory to His name.