Don Felix Ascona of Malaysia trained with Elijah Challenge in 2009
June 2013
“The event started on the 30th of May 2013 [in Sabah, Malaysia]. We did an Evangelistic Healing Rally at Basel Church in Menggatal with Pastor Hanoch who attended your March 2013 Elijah Challenge Training at Good News Church in Kota Kinabalu. The next day, 31st May 2013, we had to split up the team because the road to Tambunan was closed due to a landslide.
We all managed to arrive in Tambunan safely and started the Training using The Elijah Challenge English-Indonesian Powerpoint Presentation at the Kitou Sidang Injil Borneo Church. There were less than 10 disciples, the majority of them women and youth. In the afternoon we were doing practical training and teaching how to command [in Jesus’ name with authority].
Training disciples to heal the sick
In the evening the new disciples had their first miracle at the Bogian Sidang Injil Borneo Church which is a five minute drive from Kitou. A deaf woman and a man were healed, while those with joint pain and arthritis were healed in Jesus’ name.
Above & below: Disciples heal the sick
Healing someone with knee joint pain
There was a father who came up and said that he was not able to bring his child and asked if we could [minister at a distance]. Praise the Lord the child was healed in Jesus’ name. Derrick lead the worship, Jimmy shared the word and I translated for Jimmy. These village folks were not spiritually open to the work of the Holy Spirit and many are traditional religious Christians.
Deaf man hears
Man paralyzed from stroke walks
Blind woman sees
On the 1st of April we had a follow-up on The Elijah Challenge Training. In the afternoon we gave them more practice in learning to issue commands. In the evening there was no healing necessary because the sick had come on the first day [and were all healed].
We ended the Training the following day with Jimmy and me sharing the gospel at two churches. Overall the new disciples were encouraged—even village people without education can heal the sick using commands in Jesus’ name.”