Dorothy Dekok, Elijah Challenge South Africa
July 2013
A sister named Carin who will be attending our Elijah Challenge training in October has already seen the power of God at work after watching the videos and PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE. She ministered to an HIV positive woman who was very ill with tuberculosis. Because of the TB she was suffering from with terrible liver problems and of course back pain. She was coughing heavily.
Carin shared communion with her and explained the significance of the elements and what they point to. She then led the woman to the Lord and laid hands on her for healing. As the woman was very ill and there was not much hope for her, she did not expect a miracle.
However, when Carin visited her three days later, she said she had gone to the clinic the day before and they told her the TB is healed. She looked radiant and so beautiful and well!!! She looked like a new person – and all smiling! Her little girl was also laughing and praising Jesus.
Proof that God WANTS to heal and save, and is just waiting for us to be in the right place among the lost so that He can pour out His blessing through us. Praise God for His faithfulness!!