“Thank you again for taking the time and ministering here at FULL LIFE. I so enjoy spending time with the two of you. I hope we might do this again in the future. In the first paragraph below is another testimony from the weekend sent to me by our Associate Pastor Simon:
Just had dinner with the kids…Madalyn, Ethan, and his girlfriend ‘Brenda.’ Anyway, ‘Brenda’ got CRAZY healed yesterday. She had a torn ACL, meniscus, and chipped bone due to a gymnastics injury that never healed right. She’s is floored and is ecstatic about it. She prayed and never guessed it could really happen for her. She’s now recording video testimonies and sending them to her friends.
Simon added:
What happened to ‘Brenda’ is an incredible story. She is barely a teenager who is living a rough life. She is estranged from her family, drinks alcohol, does drugs, and is sleeping with her boyfriend. We love her and pray that God would do a work in her life. She never seems engaged with the church services but she comes often. She told me that while people were going up to get healed, she asked God to heal her. It wasn’t really in line with the method you taught us, but God just decided to answer her prayer to let her know that He loves her. It is a touching testimony.
I’m so blown away by God’s love and mercy. Of all the testimonies from this weekend, this is by far the most impactful to me. Here’s a girl who is so lost and messed up and hurting…..reaching the lost! God is incredible!!”
Nick Serban III
Senior Pastor of Full Life Assembly of God
Franklin, Tennessee
Hosted The Elijah Challenge Training, February 26-28