During these very Last Days the Lord has called The Elijah Challenge to train local harvest workers to do exactly what Jesus trained and commanded his disciples to do in Luke 10:9.

Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘the kingdom of God has come near to you.’ ”

We train nameless local workers not to pray to God and ask Him to heal the sick, but rather to heal the sick exactly as Jesus did in the gospels by using the supernatural authority and power of his name. Local workers in India who have trained with The Elijah Challenge are now miraculously healing the sick and casting out demons effectively and on a consistent basis—not simply occasionally—as irrefutable and compelling evidence to gospel-resistant people groups that Jesus is the Messiah.

As a result, missions as recorded in Acts is now being restored for reaching unreached people groups in the Third World for the fulfillment of the Great Commission during these very Last Days.

Contact us at [email protected] if you would like to know more. Our Training is FREE.

Extraordinary reports from our faceless workers in India





What Doctors said was irreversible and fatal was SUPERNATURALLY reversed


We are enjoying HEAVEN ON EARTH