Charlie & Dani
“Gilma woke up Monday morning with her usual low back pain on her right side. She had had enough of the pain and asked God to do a miracle – to heal her that day. She had been suffering from pain in her back from the fibroids in her uterus for several weeks. She had already scheduled surgery to remove the fibroids.
Monday afternoon when we were sent out to practice what we learned during The Elijah Challenge training, we held up a sign that read “Free Miraculous Healing” and stood by a stoplight in north Atlanta. We asked God to send us someone and that we could see a miracle. Then Gilma and her husband saw our sign and pulled over. Her husband asked “what are you doing?” I think he asked to confirm they read the sign correctly, or maybe to make sure we weren’t going to ask them to drink red-colored juice or something, ha, I’m not sure. But we explained we were praying healing over people who wanted it – and then Gilma got excited and said “let us park the car and then I’ll get out.”
Gilma then told us of her back pain and showed us where it was. Her husband whispered it’s because her fibroids are so bad that it’s causing pain in her back. When we realized the source of the problem was her uterus and not her back, Dani (my wife) asked Gilma to put her hand over her uterus. Then Dani put her hand on top of Gilma’s hand, and then Grant and I put our hands on top of Dani’s hand. Then we said, “fibroids be gone in Jesus’ name, uterus be healed in Jesus’ name, back pain go away now in Jesus’ name.” We asked her to check the pain but she said she wouldn’t know until she laid down to sleep, so she got Dani’s phone number and said she’d let her know in the morning how she was feeling. Gilma and her husband were so happy about all this, and then her husband took a photo of Dani and I with her (at that point, Grant was sharing the gospel with another man nearby so he missed being in the photo).
The next day we never heard from Gilma so we were a little bummed and didn’t know if she had been healed.
But the day after that, Wednesday (two days after we ministered healing to her), Gilma texted Dani in the evening the message below.”
-Charlie & Dani Parsons
Gilma at right
“Just prayed over Dan who had 2 ruptured discs in his back. In order to test to see if there was healing, he said he could only touch mid thigh before he felt pain. Prayed for healing once, no change. Prayed a second time, and as he started to bend over, he kept bending until he touched the ground!! And said “NO PAIN!!” We both hugged each other and thanked Jesus, I shared the gospel with him and he’s made jesus his King already. Super encouraging! Praise Jesus!”
Dan & Justin