Richard Hawke & Neville Krieg lead Elijah Challenge South Australia
November 2012
The Elijah Challenge in Australia
We can report a very fruitful November outreach at Whitmore Square. Thank you for those who were able to stand with us in prayer. Here are some highlights from Friday:
- Again a strong turnout from the homeless community. Most have been a number of times before. It seems that they genuinely appreciate the event and respect what we stand for.
- The weather was warm and sunny. Praise God.
- We were blessed by the presence of a small group from the Youth With A Mission base at Norton Summit. Coming from all parts of the globe they were a great asset as they prayed and mingled with the people who came, especially as a number of our regular team were unable to be there.
- The presence of God, which we long for so much, again was very evident, even though there was some minor disturbances during the course of the outreach. Thankfully none of them flared up and were quickly addressed before they got out of hand. The atmosphere was friendly and the feedback was very positive.
- We thank God for two younger members of our team (Peter and Anton), both with street backgrounds who now are employed at Westcare. They both have unique testimonies of how God touched their lives and brought them out of the darkness of the past and now enjoy a new life with Christ and are able to minister to those who are now where they were, not so long ago.
-Nev and Richard