On the predominantly Hindu island of Bali in July 2018 we completed a fruitful Elijah Challenge Training Event in a local church called ”Gereja Kristen Kudus Indonesia.”
On the second night of the training a young Hindu couple came bringing their 3-year-old son, Arya. The little boy was born with congenital defects rendering him unable to walk since birth. When set down on the floor with someone holding him, he could only stumble around unsteadily with little sense of balance. That evening we ministered to him with the Lord’s power and authority. There appeared to be some slight improvement in his gait. But he still needed one of his parents to hold on to him.
The next evening Arya’s parents brought him back for the final training session. At the end of the teaching we had all those who needed physical healing come to the front to receive ministry from the newly-trained believers. Arya’s parents brought him to the front again. There a group of Indonesian disciples laid hands on him in Jesus’ name. Then he was set down and the floor and told to walk.
For the first time in his life, little Arya walked! With his parents standing several feet apart and facing one another, he walked back and forth between them—again and again—his little face literally lit up with a huge grin while clapping! His parents of course were beaming with incredulous joy.
That evening the family accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Watch little Arya walking for the first time in his life!