Bill Willis is a State Farm Insurance agent and a former deacon at Houston’s First Baptist Church

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Bill Willis

“I really have a sense that God is doing something special. Today at Adobe restaurant, across from Houston’s First Baptist Church, our Sunday School class had lunch. There was lady sitting across from us who had been using a walking cane for several weeks, so I asked her why she had to use a cane. She said she had tripped and injured her knee two months ago.

I asked her if there had been any improvement, and she said not very much. When I asked her if she would be willing to let me minister to her the way Jesus taught his disciples, she said OK and I asked several people to join us to “minister” to her.

Sensing that the Holy Spirit wanted to use this as a teaching opportunity, I explained the difference between praying for the sick and actually ministering to the sick or injured the way Jesus taught his disciples. Everyone in our small group was a mature Christian so when I asked if they were familiar with what Jesus said about the mustard seed they all said they knew it.

Paraphrasing Matt 17:20 I said, ‘If you have the faith of a mustard seed you can speak to a mountain, telling it to move away and it will move. Jesus told his disciples to speak to the mountain and it will obey….this injured knee is the mountain and I am going to tell it to move in Jesus’ name and it will obey.’

One of our Sunday School directors prayed, asking Jesus to release his healing power. Then I commanded the knee to be healed and restored in Jesus’ name. After that I gently took the cane from the lady and helped her to stand up. Instantly she smiled and said the stiffness and pain were gone.

Right in the middle of this busy restaurant Jesus healed this dear lady. We are praying that now the Sunday School directors will decide to provide a time of “ministry” every Sunday. God’s timing is always perfect.”