Rev. Emmanuel Rhema, Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Africa
“Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It is now fourteen years since I have been with you. I count myself highly privileged to have been trained by you. Today I am known as one of the outstanding healing ministers of God, and I can say with confidence that I have trained more people in Nigeria if not Africa than any other minister.
In Africa no one wants to teach others what they know because they want to be a one-man superstar. But I set apart a day in all my programs to train them as you trained me—with very sensational results. Many whom I have trained are very effective even in training others just as I have trained them.”
Rev. Emmanuel trained with Brother William on his Africa Mission Trip in 2004
(Testimony edited for grammar)
“The blind received their sight, the deaf had their hearing restored, and the crippled walked. All manner of sickness and disease were healed…All this was made possible because you taught me. Only in heaven will you know the extent to which God is pleased with you…” More