In the state of Minas Gerais bordering Sao Paulo State in Brazil The Elijah Challenge was taught in the industrial city of Betim where the economy is centered around a Fiat auto assembly plant.
During one evening we were taken to a rural area outside of town where a daughter church of our host New Jerusalem Baptist Church had been planted. After preaching from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal and from John 14:6, I had the trained disciples minister to the infirm with the Lord’s power and authority. The Lord did powerful miracles. To name just two, a boy born with various congenital defects including partial blindness could see following the healing at a distance (as in Luke 7). A woman with a large tumor on her neck and elsewhere could no longer find the tumors after a trained disciple laid hands on her.
Following all the testimonies many came forward to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.
Because of the overflow crowd inside the church, people had to gather outside and look through the windows
The next day we heard the report that after the meeting the pastor received call after call after call from people who had attended the meeting and gone home afterwards. They reported that miraculous healings had continued to take place in their homes even after the meeting had ended. At least one family reported that every family member had been miraculously healed by the Lord right there in their home after they returned from the meeting!
February 2017