October 2013
Reports from Butch & Janet Berner
Well-dressed lady heals homeless man on crutch outside shopping mall after Elijah Challenge Training
The following is the report we received from American missionaries Butch and Janet Berner who taught at the inaugural event of Elijah Challenge South Africa hosted by Dorothy Dekok in October 2013. Butch and Janet themselves hosted The Elijah Challenge Training held in Zambia back in 2005.
We are very grateful to the Lord to have had a small part in what the Lord did that weekend in and through His trained disciples. Here’s what Butch wrote us..
“PRAISE THE LORD from WHOM all blessing flow!!! We had an amazing time teaching The Elijah Challenge in the Republic of South Africa. We had Friday night teaching and God confirmed His word with healing around 8 of the trainees. We finished the training on Saturday morning and answered questions trainees had. We then met around 2:30 for the crusade.
When we arrived at the hall the few people from Pastor Ben’s church. We prayed and then left the community hall to do house to house visitation. All were sent out to heal the sick and be a blessing to those in the nearby community. Some trainees went out to the street and talked to passer-byes. One lady came into the center and after being ministered to her she was healed from back, leg and knee pains. She said she was going to tell others she knew.
We then divided the 30+ trainees into groups of 3 to go into the township to do house visitation and home blessings. After 90 minutes we were to meet back at the hall. The results were 15-20 professions of faith! Every group saw God’s healing power at work through their using God given authority.
Thank you so much for connecting us with Three Rivers and Dorothy. We experienced an amazing time with them during the training. Faith was built, many healed and making professions of faith. Most importantly, the trainees now know that God wants to use them to grow His Kingdom in their community. I consider this a victorious training event not because of numbers but because of what God did in the hearts of the trainees AND those they ministered to in their nearby community. Pastor Ben is so excited to see this gift of knowledge transfer to lives being effected and changed through healing and truth.
Following is our report….
The group I was a part of prayed for an older woman with arthritis; after ministry she had much more movement and no pain anywhere in her body. Trainees also prayed for many to have jobs and improved finances. Basically all prayed for whatever the need of the home was. Many groups prayed for neck, back, leg, headaches etc.
One particular group found a man in great pain. He had been in a car wreck recently and his ankle had been broken. He was laying on the floor enduring great pain. The team of trained believers helped him the injured man into his bed. The man kept saying he was in very much pain. They looked at the ankle but he pointed to his knee. They moved his pants leg up and his knee was extremely swollen. While ministering healing to the pain and swelling, his knee went back to normal! No more swelling! The man cried out, “The pain is gone!!!” We praise God for this miraculous healing.
When re-entering the plot for the Community Hall, one of the groups stopped and talked to the lady on guard duty. They ministered to her neck and back. God healed her and she started calling others on her phone telling them of the healing power she experienced. Two other friends of the Guard came from her calls and were also healed.
People from the community slowly and steadily came for healing. Trainees would then go out to pray with people in the parking lot, on the playground or as they came in the hall. God was at work. It was an amazing time to see so many healed but more importantly to witness those who were healed make a profession of faith.
During church the next day, testimonies were shared about all God had done. The Almighty was praised for what HE accomplished through the boldness of the trainees witness. Testimony was given by the trainees that day. All of them personally knew God wanted to use them to advance His Kingdom. Doubt was gone and mountain moving faith began!
It was a great weekend. I can only say thanks for all your prayer support and intercession. Prayers for protection were so necessary as there was a fire at a word factory where many of the trainees are employed. No real damage was done, praise Jesus. He answered the prayers and more.
God bless you richly and again, thank you. We consider it a high honor to have been a part of what God was doing at Three Rivers Church, in the hearts of the trainees and the surrounding community.”
In His Grace,
Butch & Janet Berner