Emmanuel Abdullahi
“Before now, we used to have healing evangelists come to Africa for healing campaigns whichdrew large crowds in their campaigns with many souls saved and the sick healed. It was heaven on earth as we witnessed blind eyes being opened, the lame walk, the deaf and dumb healed, etc.
Many of us ministers of the gospel and even believers desired such results in their Christian walk. But when we minister to the sick, we see few people healed. We don’t dare minister to the deaf, blind and the lame because we believe we don’t have such a gift. Even when we meet African ministers who have results like the white healing evangelists—which they must have learned from the white men—they don’t want to share with us how to get such results.
The Lord saw our hearts and he decided to send Brother Bill to Nigeria to teach at a Conference in Port Harcourt hosted by a notable servant of God, Rev. Mosy Madugba. This conference which this precious man of God organizes every year brings together ministers from all over the world, especially from Africa. But in 2004 Brother Bill was invited to teach how to heal the sick.
Unfortunately I did not attend that year’s meeting. The ministers were blessed and their ministries took on greater height. The results in ministering to the sick increased as the deaf, blind, lame and other diseases began to be healed in their meetings. The news of the seminars spread as people went back to their countries on fire. The Coordinators began to teach others who saw the same results. After that seminar, Brother Bill was also invited to the District Headquarters of the Assemblies of God Church in River State where hundreds of believers were trained. Afterwards they caught on fire for God with healing results and converting souls in the name of the Lord.
A certain minister of the gospel is currently being used mightily in the healing ministry in Warri, Delta State. He is also now one of our outstanding Elijah Challenge Associate Coordinators in Africa, Pastor Joshua of Christ Doers Ministry. Joshua was in Rev. Mosy Madugba’s seminar in Port Harcourt when Brother Bill taught. After the Training he actually became outstanding in ministering to the sick. Returning home to Warri, he told me about his encounter with Brother Bill’s teaching. I asked him for Brother Bill’s email, which he gave to me. In my heart I said God has finally answered my question in regard to ministering to the sick. I emailed Brother Bill, and he replied to me saying that we should meet at Abakwa in Enugu State where he would be training the believers in ministering to the sick.
As the Lord provided, I traveled down to Enugu in Nigeria where I was blessed and impacted by the teaching. I remember that during the Training I was used to demonstrate ministering healing to a woman with arthritis. As I was commanding this woman to be healed, in addition to her being healed a certain woman with partial blindness also received her healing without anyone specifically ministering to her. (You can be commanding a particular sickness to leave but other ones can obey and leave as well.) I was very surprised that I could be used by God, and my body was burning with the fire of this new-found knowledge. I felt like leaving the Training before it ended to go and start healing the sick, but I had to wait for the crusade to end.
Since 2004 my life and ministry have change drastically. I have trained Coordinators in different states of Nigeria and other African countries. The people I have trained have trained others, and by the grace of God a lot of believers today are being used by the Lord as they take authority and command sickness to go. Because of the Elijah Challenge Training many believers are now ministering to their family members, neighbors, friends, and as many that are in need of healing. Many souls have been converted compared to when the sick were not being healed.
We have had successful Healing Seminars/Crusades in Africa with Brother Bill. We have entered interior areas abandoned by the Nigerian government—where there is no electricity from the government—with Brother Bill to conduct the Elijah Challenge seminar/crusade. Brother Bill can adjust to any form of weather and situation; his compassion is incredible and he has unusual understanding how to make the seminar have more impact.
Truly the African believers love him dearly and they want him to come to Africa twice a year. His teachings are balanced and full of insight. They provoke one to dare to do the impossible instantaneously, resulting in many instant healings like blind eyes being opened, the deaf and dumb healed, the lame walking, all kinds of sickness and disease—both curable and incurable—healed instantly. The Coordinators are experiencing tremendous church growth in their countries because people keep on trooping to them for healing.
By the grace of God after my encounter with the teachings of Brother Bill, my ministry was sought after. I have witnessed all kinds of miracle healings including the dead brought back to life. I have dedicated my life to invading Africa with the teaching in order to impart to them what has been imparted to me by Brother Bill. I never thought I could be used by God like this—it’s incredible. The African Coordinators on daily basis are training others.
To Brother Bill I say: keep doing what God has committed into your hands. Only God will reward you. You are an inspiration to the body of Christ and we are proud to identify with you. We shall continue to walk with you if the Lord tarries. We Africans love you.”
-Emmanuel Abdullahi
Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Africa