The Elijah Challenge in Australia
Thank you once again for praying for this, our final outreach for the year. We have much to thank God for:
- While last Friday started out a wet and overcast day, we were blessed with near perfect conditions for the entire event.
- After setting up all our equipment just after 5pm (usually takes about 45 minutes) the team began in prayer as we committed the outreach to the Lord. We were grateful to have Dave, a pastor from the Barossa and friend join us as well as our regular team, who come from a number of different church backgrounds (at least 7).
- We have table set aside with Bibles and New Testaments and other resources donated by friends to distribute to those who show interest. Every month numbers of copies are taken away by those who attend.
- Tea and coffee and light sacks are provided as people from the homeless community begin to gather in the square.
- Nick led us in worship with his guitar, setting the atmosphere for the message.
- Nazer shared his story relating to his days growing up in India in a Muslim family, living in poverty while his father spent time in prison. He spoke of how he came to know Jesus personally and how this changes both his life and that of his family’s. Those who came to the square (around 40 to 50) were very keen to hear Nazer’s story.
- Amazingly we had 3 Muslims attend the outreach (including a family from Pakistan). Each of them had very positive engagement with members of the team.
- We then had opportunity, while the barbeque was cooking (Greg and Chris do a great job!), and while the worship continues in the background, to minister to a number of people, including healing prayer. Several resources, NT’s and bibles were taken once again.
- The barbeque was served around 6.30pm with steaks, sausages, onions, and salads (as well as cakes and buns and fruit) all provided at no cost to the ministry. No one goes away hungry!
- We usually close around 8pm with a brief time of prayer thanking God for what He has done.
- We thank God for the ongoing transformation of Whitmore Square which was a drunken hangout with a very depressed atmosphere just a few years ago, now a different place….a popular recreational park used by both the homeless community as well as youth and local families. We sense this has been a steady work of transformation by the Spirit of God.