Dr. Tissa Weerasingha oversees a network of about 100 churches all over Sri Lanka and in several countries around the world, including the Middle East, the US, and India.

“I am familiar with the many approaches to the healing ministry—from the classical Pentecostals to the Fuller “signs and wonders” model—having studied under John Wimber/Peter Wagner in the early days of the Vineyard movement, Toronto Blessing, etc., at Fuller Theological Seminary [in Pasadena, California].

Going through your manual, however, I found that you have given the most balanced analysis and study regarding this complex phenomenon.

Hence, our decision to invite you.”

“I am so heartened by the solid Biblical approach contained in your manual. Needless to say, I agree with the contents of the manual and hold to those same positions as you have. But you have communicated it logically and presented it in a way I have not read anywhere else.

…I have [had] a great deal of discomfort about the way in which some healing ministries are conducted. When I read your book and heard about your ministry, I did feel very relieved.”

[N.B. Their church hosts a National Convention each year featuring various speakers. This year they have decided not to have the National Convention, but instead to host The Elijah Challenge Training.]

-Dr. Tissa Weerasingha 

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