I’m back! Thank you for your support in prayer. The Lord moved mightily, and I was able to witness it and be a part of it! Brazil was definitely a faith building trip, perhaps even one of the most fruitful trips for me in terms of seeing the lost come to Christ. Some of the testimonies I will be sharing either were ministered to by me or I witnessed their testimonies after others ministered to them. There are several testimonies that I forgot to write down unfortunately, so these are the ones that I recorded or were able to recall. Read on to see the power of our Lord to heal and save and how He uses His servants to do what He did according to John 14:12-14!
(Note: My report is a bit long, but please do read the whole thing! I would love to hear any questions or thoughts you have on my report. Feel free to share with whoever you’d like.)
July 12-13 in Comunidade Cristã Bíblica, Sao Paulo: Training & Evangelistic Healing Service
– One young man climbed up to the stage to testify that since the age of twelve he suffered from a debilitating disorder which for all practical purposes had paralyzed him. He could not ascend or descend stairs unassisted. But in front of the crowd he was able to climb up to the stage and down again by himself. He is pictured here:
– Deafness was healed 90% in another man, he could respond much better to our questions than originally.
July 15 in Igreja Esperança é Jesus (Hope is Jesus Church), Sao Paulo: Evangelistic Healing Service
– I ministered to a woman with flu like symptoms, and she could breath freely afterwards.
– Kamyla, my translator and friend, ministered to a woman who had had back pain for 30 years. She was set free completely!
– The two youngest members of our US team ministered to a woman who could not rotate her ankle originally, and she testified while rotating it with full motion.
– A group of us ministered to a woman with Diabetes. She told us she believed she was healed, but needed to get a check up from a doctor for confirmation.
July 17-19 in Valley of Blessing, Araçariguama: Training, Door-to-Door Outreach, Evangelistic Healing Services
– A woman who was experiencing pain from carpal tunnel was ministered to during training. She testified afterwards through tears that she no longer felt anymore pain in her arm.
– Kamyla & Ashley (US team) ministered to and healed a lady who had been suffering from migraines.
– Man with lung cancer felt 10% better after being ministered to, and although we would have wanted to see more healing, we were excited to hear that he wanted to follow Christ! His brother, who is a pastor, had brought us to him and was in tears because his brother had never wanted to follow Christ in the past.
– Elderly man on the street who’s foot had been hit by a brick told us he didn’t feel anymore pain in it after we ministered to him. He then accepted Christ into his life! He also asked us to minister to him to be delivered from his addiction to smoking.
– We spoke to a family in front of their shop in town, and all four members accepted Christ! We made sure to give the local church the information of all who had accepted Christ so they could be discipled.
– Benjy, another translator and friend, had numbness in his chin and lower lip after surgery that had cut the nerves in the area. After much laying on of hands, the feeling was restored to 95%! No nerves? No problem =).
– Gabriela, Benjy’s fiance, had had stomach pain for the past four days. After ministering once, she said the pain was moving. We continued on, and after about three times, she told us in tears the pain was all gone.
– A woman, overcome by the Lord’s grace and weeping, testified that she had had a large tumor on her breast. It was painful and he could not even touch her breast. But after the trained sisters laid hands on her, it had disappeared completely.
– We met a pastor who told us a testimony of his ministering to a girl who had gone blind (she had completely white eyeballs, no pupils or anything). He said after the first time of ministering, nothing happened, but because people were standing all around them, he thought he had to keep going until she was healed. He ministered 10 times without any results, but he kept going. After the 11th time, the girl began to rub her eyes. Something like white skin fell from her eyes, and she could see! Her family accepted Christ as a result of the miracle (John 14:11b).
– A man had various growths in his body, but after the trained brothers ministered to him he could no longer find them.
– We ministered to a man with a broken leg in a caste sitting outside a store. He told us he felt something warm in his leg while we were ministering. He tried standing afterwards, and said there was no more pain! I asked him to try walking, but he said that the caste made it difficult to walk because of the stiffness. I told him that the next time he went to the doctor, I believed he didn’t need the caste anymore. He accepted Christ at the end of our conversation!
– We ministered to a man who was suffering from congestion and a sore throat. After ministering twice, he said he felt completely healed. He was already a brother in Christ =).
– We ministered to an elderly man with pain in several parts of his body due to an accident that happened several years ago. We ministered to his ankle, leg, head, throat, and arm with boils and he was delivered from the pain! The boils shrank too. This elderly man also had a shriveled and damaged hand. We ministered to it once. While ministering, I felt movement in his hand that was very strange to me. When we took our hands away, it seemed as if a bone had grown out that had not been there before which was very exciting. We wanted to minister more, but for some reason the elderly man told us he didn’t want more. Perhaps the healing power he felt was a bit strange to him. He knew the pastor of the host church already, so hopefully others can go and complete his healing and salvation is he was not already saved!
– We ministered to a woman who had been experiencing lower back pain. She told us the pain had left.
– We also ministered to an older woman who had pain her body from problems with her spine. She said during her testimony that she felt like she was being stretched out while we were ministering and was completely set free from the pain.
– A mother of a young boy testified that a lump on his neck had disappeared after being ministered to by the Jose Roberto, the pastor who had healed the blind girl.
– A young man ran excitedly on stage to testify that the lumps he had on his arms due to a heart problem had all disappeared. He gave my dad a big hug =).
– Blake (US team) & Ricardo (translator and friend) ministered to an elderly man that had been completely blind in his left eye; he only saw black in that eye. After the first time, he could see white. After a few more times, he told them he could see three feathers on a parakeet’s tail that was sitting about 20 feet away. The man was also unable to walk because of his bad knees. They ministered to his legs, and told him to get up and walk, which he did! Jesus did a miracle like this in John 5:8. The elderly man had a large family including grandchildren. The whole family accepted Christ after his healing!
– During training one morning, we had some of the believers call friends or family that had heart conditions to minister to them from a distance, kind of like Jesus did in Matt. 8:5-13. Several of them, if not all, said that the person on the other end felt better in some way or another. They could go up and down stairs or lift heavy things that they couldn’t have before.
– A stroke victim, who had damage to her right arm and leg, could close her hand on her own after being ministered to. She was extremely joyful about this! She could also walk more freely on her own.
– Ashley, Blake, Kamyla, and two others ministered and healed a woman who was suffering from carpal tunnel.
– A man suffering from Vertigo-like symptoms said his dizziness was gone after we laid hands on him.
– A woman with back and stomach pain told us the pain had left after ministering to her.
– On the morning that we were about to leave, I woke up with a weird pain in the bottom of my sternum. Anytime I would breath deeply, there was a sharp pain. It was still there after breakfast, so I asked a few of the others to minister to me. All the young ladies on the US team ministered to me (Ashley, Victoria, Victoria, and Margaret), and afterwards I tested the pain. I breathed deeply over and over searching to see if the same feeling was there, but I couldn’t find it! It was there just a minute ago, and then was gone after being ministered to! It was a wonderful experience being on the healed end. I can not deny the power and authority the Lord has given us (Luke 9:1 and 10:19).
July 21-23 in Igreja Batista Renovo, São Miguel Arcanjo: Training, Door-to-Door Outreach, Evangelistic Healing Services
(Note: My portion of the trip was winding down as I was leaving before the last day of ministry that my parents were doing in this city, so some reports are from my father since they happened after I left.)
– A young man testified that he had been delivered from a spirit of hate after being ministered to and that he wanted to accept Christ!
– A woman with pain in her body (I don’t recall where exactly) said it had left, and she also received Christ.
– An elderly woman told us that her knee pain had subsided. She showed us her improvement by bending her leg several times with no pain.
– During the healing portion of the service, a man who was being ministered to began yelling and laughing loudly and acting strangely. It seemed that he had a demon that didn’t like being rebuked, similar to the story in Matt. 8:28-29. It was distracting during the testimonies, so a few of the believers and one of the pastors took him into the hallway for continued ministry. We could still hear a few loud words here and there though. After the testimonies were over, the man came back in. He looked completely different and relieved. The pastor brought him to the stage and he testified that he was free from the demon and from drug addiction. He was very emotional during this time, and I could see that he had been set free from his old life, that he felt God’s power restore him. He also shared that he had a three-year old daughter, and that he was going to be a changed man from now on (I assumed this meant perhaps be a better father to his child). He also shared that in the past he would walk by churches and hear yelling and think that there were only crazy people inside them, but now he knows they were crazy people that could help him =). We all laughed and smiled at this. He gave his life to the Lord. He is pictured here:

– At the end of the service on July 22, the head pastor of the church held an altar call for those who wanted to accept Christ into their lives or be set free from a spirit of homosexuality (an interesting detail, I thought). About 20 people came to the front. It was a moving time for all of us as the pastor led them to repentance. In my opinion, it had been the most powerful meeting I had been to while in Brazil because of the healing and response to Jesus. Those who responded to the altar call are in the picture below.

– I had to leave before the final meeting in the Igreja Batista Renovo, but my dad sent this report: “Last night’s final meeting was the most glorious and fruitful one here in Renovo Baptist Church. There was no room left in the sanctuary. People were even sitting on the stage. We preached “by His wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5), and the trained disciples came forward to heal the sick accordingly. Many testified that they actually felt God’s manifest healing power (Mark 5:29-30) in their bodies as the disciples laid hands on them. In addition to the many testimonies of miraculous healings, two people testified that when they came to the meeting they were suicidal due to depression. But the Lord set them free from their prison and they felt His joy and peace.” You can find a longer report on the Elijah Challenge’s website here.
If you made it all the way down here, great job! I usually would apologize for the long report, but why apologize for Jesus’ power and authority? =) He is the one true Savior, the only way to Heaven! We see from Mark 2:1-11 that since Jesus has authority to heal our sickness and disease, He has authority to forgive our sins and give us eternal life. How can we withhold our praise from our Lord, right?! Praise Him! Hallelujah!!!!!!! =))))))
One other thing the Lord showed me in this trip is how precious my relationship with Him is and that spending eternity with Him in heaven is the ultimate joy. Luke 10:20 says “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” He showed me that yes, He has given us this exciting weapon against the enemy that should be used to bring others to Christ and set them free, but I must know Him first and foremost. My refreshed priorities are first to seek the Lord and know Him personally, and second to tell others about the Lord and lead them to Him. I hope you feel the same way!
For His glory,
P.S. If you would like to learn how to heal the sick, read the Bible and do what Jesus and His followers did! Hehe =) and you can also go to my dad’s website and find some training there too: www.TheElijahChallenge.org. Or just straight up ask me and I’ll give you a crash course in it =). Woot!