by Elijah Challenge | Aug 1, 2013 | Leader Testimonies, Subodh Jena Kumar, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
Subodh Jena Kumar is an Elijah Challenge-trained disciple in OrissaJuly 2013Subodh Jena Kumar Reports”The Hindu family of a police constable lives near to us. He has three grown daughters and one son. I came to know that he was against Christians. He used to...
by Elijah Challenge | Aug 1, 2013 | Leader Testimonies, Peter Pap, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
Peter Pap and Modern Jesus Army trained with The Elijah ChallengeJuly 2013 Reports from Peter & Modern Jesus Army Reports from the United Kingdom You will see there were many different situations, not all of them were healing of physical infirmities, but still...
by Elijah Challenge | Jul 30, 2013 | Brian Matuszak, Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
Brian Matuszak is an Occupational Therapist who trained with TECJuly 2013 I have a couple of more great video testimonies including a deaf ear opening and a broken nose being completely healed by Jesus. Here they are:Man Healed While Waiting for Pizza...
by Elijah Challenge | Jul 30, 2013 | John Latini, Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
John Latini trained with Elijah Challenge via online videos & in VirginiaJuly 2013Other reports from John LatiniI wanted to send you an amazing healing video that took place this past Friday night at the Galleria Mall in Middletown, NY My wife and...
by Elijah Challenge | Jul 28, 2013 | Dorothy Dekok, Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
Dorothy Dekok, Elijah Challenge South AfricaJuly 2013 A sister named Carin who will be attending our Elijah Challenge training in October has already seen the power of God at work after watching the videos and PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE. She ministered to an HIV...
by Elijah Challenge | Jul 26, 2013 | Leader Testimonies, Sue Ratterree, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
Sue is an Elijah Challenge-trained disciple in TexasJuly 2013Correspondence between Sue and “Karen” in Texas Dear “Karen”,My name is Sue and I am a follower of Jesus Christ as well as a friend of Brian (OT4Jesus on Youtube).He has forwarded me your email and...