by Elijah Challenge | Feb 15, 2016 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
At Ágape Gospel Church in Osasco, São Paulo (Brazil), we introduced The Elijah Challenge teaching the people about the power and authority the Lord entrusted to his disciples for proclaiming the kingdom of God to the lost (Luke 9:1-2, 10:9).Near the end of the...
by Elijah Challenge | Feb 14, 2016 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
On a Saturday evening a woman suffering from painful cancer was brought by friends to a meeting at Igreja Batista do Povo (People’s Baptist Church) in Grajaú, São Paulo where The Elijah Challenge Training was being conducted. Due to the pain from the cancer she...
by Elijah Challenge | Feb 13, 2016 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
“Dear Sir, I’ve been listening to some of the videos on The Elijah Challenge and I would like for you to pray for my mother. As I type this letter, my mother is struggling to live. Yesterday they took her off the ventilator and allowed her to breath on her on....
by Elijah Challenge | Feb 8, 2016 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
In Brazil the city of Betim is like Detroit in America with auto manufacturing as the main industry. What we saw the Lord do there in the meetings with our host church New Canaan Baptist Church was unprecedented compared to what we usually saw in our Elijah Challenge...
by Elijah Challenge | Feb 8, 2016 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
“Unfortunately I cannot write in English and I hope you can read this email. I must place on record my gratitude to God for your life and for your wife. Through this seminar in simple, clear and real language, I really have been given understanding of the true...
by Elijah Challenge | Feb 7, 2016 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
“I am Alcardo, a 21-year-old from Africa with a very powerful testimony. I had been suffering from anxiety, a cyst in my throat and growth in my mouth. I contacted TheElijahChallenge and they put me through to their trained co-worker Sarhonda Brown in Chicago. I...