May 2012
It was like herding cats with 11 young college students here with us. We had good Elijah Challenge teachings last week and a successful crusade. I taught about 30 believers each night. The Lord healed three people each of the first two nights. On Friday we had one person healed and two others with spirits that would not leave. The people in the church said they would follow them up since they knew them.
At the crusade every person who came up for healing manifested after we began exercising authority in Jesus’ name. We took them into a classroom of the school and the team members were troopers. All but one were healed and delivered—a total of over 30 people.
On Sunday four more were healed of stomach problems and hearing loss. One of my students came to the class on Wednesday, but not again afterwards. When he came back to the class he said that he had used the Lord’s authority to heal a person with a deaf ear and another with back pains. It was a good first in that area!
We have been under attack as twice in 12 hours a wheel on the truck fell off while we were on the road. But no one was hurt. On Sunday afternoon I was kicked by a zebra at the hotel by Victoria Falls, but no damage was done.
May 29 Follow up Report
Just an update of what’s been happening since the teaching. Some of the students of my Bible classes were there and have been using their authority well. One was called out in the middle of the night to deliver a neighbor’s daughter; she saw him and said “not him.” But before the night was done she was in her right mind. Another went out for a lady that was in great pain. After commanding she was healed of her back and hip pain. I took the Oral Roberts University team to the village yesterday and sent them out in four groups. One group went to a hut where two older women were suffering from back, hip and leg pain. They had to crawl forward before beginning to stand up. After the team commanded with authority, the ladies began jumping up and down praising God for their healing. Then they began ministering to their eyes which had grown dim. They were healed and began praising God for restoring their eyesight. Another group went to a hut where the lady had a rash all over her body. After they used their authority, she was healed. At the next place God healed a lady of her pain, and the daughter prayed to receive Christ. Another group went where a young girl was demonized. After they commanded and rebuked any strongholds and witchcraft, peace came into the house and she was able to talk with the team. They taught her to remain free by rejecting and not allowing the demon to come back. The others also had God demonstrate His power and love. We praise Him for all His goodness.