At Ágape Gospel Church in Osasco, São Paulo (Brazil), we introduced The Elijah Challenge teaching the people about the power and authority the Lord entrusted to his disciples for proclaiming the kingdom of God to the lost (Luke 9:1-2, 10:9).

Near the end of the evening, we ministered to those with infirmities as a demonstration of what had just been taught. A 17-year-old girl came forward. She had been born unable to walk normally let alone run, and was experiencing pain in her knees to the extent that she could not climb the few steps up to the stage. A young man had to carry her up to be prayed over. In the video below hands are laid on her in the name of Jesus Christ.



Immediately afterwards we took her by the hand and had her walk back and forth a few times on the stage before the people. A grin appeared on her face as she discovered that she was walking freely with no more pain.

The next day she was running.

As a friend shot the video below, you can hear her exclaim, “Vai!  Yeah…now she runs….hahaha!” (“Vai” means “go” in Portuguese.)



-Reported February 15, 2016

The Elijah Challenge in Brazil