Greetings to you in name of our Lord Jesus Christ who has bound us together with His love and the great work handed unto us, as workers in His Vineyard. It is with profound appreciation that am writing to you.
I came accross The Elijah Challenge (TEC) on the internet in February 2011. I downloaded the Basic Training Manual and studied it. I practicalised the teachings and I got result which convinced me that more people should know about TEC.
In the first week of April 2011, while meditating in the night, the Holy Spirit prompted me to organise a training programme for believers on “Effective Evangelism and Healing “.
I contacted Evangelist Emmanuel Abdullahi, who agreed to come and teach us. I swung into action and with the help of my wife, my assistant and 2 other Brothers we were able to package the Seminar and Crusade.
The Seminar was for 3 days, from Tuesday 14th June to Thursday 16th June, 2011 while the Crusade was from Friday 17th June – saturday 18th June, 2011. Following are issues arising from the events:
TEC Representative
TEC was represented by 3 ministers who were present through out the 5 days of the Seminar and Crusade. The Ministers were:
Evangelist Emmanuel Abdullahi – African Region Coordinator and the main resource person,
Rev. A . A Jones – The Northern Nigeria Area Coordinator
Rev Abel Davidson – PRO
A total of 46 persons from different Ministries/ Churches attended the 3 day Seminar. On the first day there were 22 persons and this number rose to 46 by the 3rd day.
On the first day of the Crusade, the number was 47 and we were able identify that out of this number, 23 attended the Seminar while the remaining 24 came purposely for the Crusade.
Effectiveness of the Training
To some extent, I will adjudge the training as fairly effective because
(a) We had Tesimonies from those who were healed after being ministered to by the trainees
(b) 2 of the trainees gave Testimonies of ministrations they did before coming to the 2nd day of the Seminar.
There will be follow-up weekly meetings of interested attendees at the seminar to ensure a firm understanidng of the teachings. In addition, we are considering monthly Healing and Miracle meetings.
In my subsequent report I will properly document the testimonies from myself and other trainees as well as those who were healed at the meetings.
I use this opportunity to say a big thank you to The Elijah Challenge and the Nigerian representatives who honoured our request. We shall keep the fire burning and spread it to other states in the South West of Nigeria.
Sincere Regards,
Tolu Bammeke