2017 Mission outreach to Tanzania, Kenya with American Missionary Alan Robinson

The final statistics of the “collateral blessings” during the Elijah Challenge Training Events are as follows: 

  • 151 healed
  • 222 participants in the Training Events held in
  • Two nations: seven cities in seven weeks
  • 14 saved and 1 backslider recommitted

The photos below show some of the people who were miraculously healed in the name of Jesus during the Events…


Alan Robinson in the forefront


Pastor’s wife healed of spinal injury 

The first session of the Elijah Challenge Basic Training in Port Victoria, Kenya was hosted by Apostle Dan & Joyce Omburi of Grace Christian Fellowship Church. At the conclusion of the session I asked for a volunteer to come up so I could demonstrate what we hardly ever see in the open and in front of the church, that is, sick people getting healed. Usually, people come up to the altar to receive healing prayer, and then are sent back without any verification they have indeed been healed. Preachers don’t generally do this because of the embarrassment they will have to face if the people do not get healed.


Joyce Omburi

Joyce Omburi, our host pastor’s wife, came up to be healed. She had a three-year injury caused by a head-on collision in a taxi which damaged her lower spine. She had been taking medication, going through physical therapy, and spending money yet with NO RELIEF. She pointed out the pain to me in her lower back. I placed my hand in the exact spot and shot a command for the pain to go, and commanded her back to be healed in the name of Jesus. I stepped back and asked her to try to locate the pain. Instead of trying to find the pain I saw her bend from her waist down with a puzzled look on her face. She said she wasn’t able to do this before. I asked her if she still felt the pain and if the pain was the same. She replied that the pain was much reduced but there was still some left. So I shot another command for the pain to go, and for her back to be healed in the Name of Jesus. Before I could say anything she began searching for the pain which had afflicted her for three years. When she discovered the pain was really gone, she let out a shout of praise that ushered in a heavy blanket of worship that fell on the whole church, lasting for about 10 minutes. All the pain she had suffered for three years was totally gone!



An awesome testimony

I was told the husband of the woman below whose eyesight was healed is very happy, because he was witnessing her losing her vision and was thinking he would eventually have a blind wife. Thank God they now have a testimony of the power of the Lord Jesus!

This is what happened. During the demonstration of healing she came up and testified that she could only see about 15 feet in front of her. …I placed my fingers over her eyes. Then I commanded her eyes to be healed in the Name of Jesus. Afterwards she was able to see all the way into the rear of the church and beyond. She demonstrated that she could read the small print.



This woman below with the blue skirt reported that she suffered from pain in her lower stomach area for the last 7 years. She was healed instantly in less than 7 seconds!



The woman below in blue had asthma symptoms including shortness of breath, tightness in her chest, back pains and chest pains. She could not inhale deeply. All pain and symptoms were gone instantly after we ministered to her in Jesus’ name.



Deliverance and healing

At the close of the Training, just as we were leaving the woman below was carried to us by a friend. She complained of strong pains in her stomach and could hardly walk. She collapsed into a chair when she entered the church. She was holding her stomach with her hands and her eyes and facial expression reflected the intense pain. She said something inside her stomach was moving, and to my surprise I actually felt serious movement when I put both of my hands on her stomach.

I couldn’t imagine what was the cause of the movement. To be frank the woman needed to go to a hospital and in fact to the emergency room. With my hands on her stomach, I commanded the pain to go in the Name of Jesus. I rebuked the pain and commanded her stomach to be healed. I stepped back for a few moments and was led to cast out the spirit causing the pain in the Name of Jesus. Then I stepped back again.

Suddenly she bent over and began to vomit. After a few minutes, I commanded the spirit of death to come out of her. She looked weak and turning to the side of the chair she vomited again. For the last time I placed my hands on her stomach and commanded her to be healed.

All this time she had hardly opened her eyes. As we all watched her, I asked them to see if she could stand. She then stood up and opened her eyes. They were big and bright and showed nothing of the pain she had when she was helped into the church!

I told her that Jesus had touched her and He wanted to her to give him her heart. The pastor then led her to the Lord. As I was leaving she thanked me. She walked over to the motorcycle taxi, and mounting it she told the Pastor she would come back on Sunday!



Many more powerful testimonies from Alan’s website