World Reports
Disciples around the world are using The Elijah Challenge teaching to spread the Gospel to difficult people groups. Here are some of the most recent reports!
Miraculous healings, salvations, and church growth in Zambia with Butch & Janet Berner of Light of Africa!
Their dramatic testimony after training with The Elijah Challenge . "Josh, Jimmy, Tommy, Eden, Lori and daughter Bethany, all from either Texas or Oklahoma, joined us doing ministry in June this year. We started with Josh and Tommy and the rest of the team...
VIDEO of The Elijah Challenge in Poland: Man with heart condition runs around auditorium twice—and feels fine.
To watch this video, click on
For three months Lalita suffered from constant fever and chest pain. Neither physician nor sorcerer could help. BUT Jesus…!
“Greetings to you in Jesus’ precious name. Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the ministry here in India. Our gracious God is using our harvest workers in a powerful way.” . Selected reports from among many… “For three months a...
The Elijah Challenge Training on zoom for Disciples now taking place on Wednesday evenings
HEALING THE SICK and preaching the kingdom of God ON THE STREETS of unreached Hindu village in India . In accordance with John 14:12, we will train you how to heal the sick miraculously and cast out demons exactly as Jesus did as irrefutable evidence to non-believers...
Despite medical treatment by a doctor, Sukru’s worsening kidney disease kept him in bed. After Jesus healed him, his family accepted Jesus Christ.
“Thank you for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of His kingdom here in India.” . Selected reports from among many… “A man named Sukru Munda (above & below) suffered from kidney disease which weakened him severely confining him to...
PLEASE PRAY for high-caste Brahmin family in India now suffering persecution after turning to Jesus Christ
PLEASE PRAY for the high-caste Brahmin family of Rabindra Das which came to Christ earlier this year following powerful miraculous healings. (Click on the link below for their testimony.) They are now undergoing severe persecution at the hands of their own...
“A sad story from India”
Shared with us by our Elijah Challenge Coordinator in India July 22, 2023 . “Last week we were in an unreached village called Gananathpur which is around 8 to 10 kilometers from our town Bhawanipatna. We were ministering to the sick from door to door when we...
Poor Hindu woman feared for her life due to her severe heart condition. Then she attended one of our house churches…
“Thank you so much for your intercessor and financial support for the extension of His kingdom through miraculous healing and deliverance.” . Selected reports from among many… “For six months Bibiani Kerketta (above & below) suffered from a heart condition...
Hindu woman’s entire body racked with severe arthritis miraculously healed in Jesus’ name…family accepts Christ
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support to reach the unreached here in India. The ministry to the Fundamentalist Hindus is really a wonderful challenge, and we praise God for the many wondrous reports of the miraculous through our trained...