Shared with us by our Elijah Challenge Coordinator in India
July 22, 2023

“Last week we were in an unreached village called Gananathpur which is around 8 to 10 kilometers from our town Bhawanipatna. We were ministering to the sick from door to door when we were shocked to hear a story.

Two years earlier there was a 32-year-old Hindu man who worked in a government office. He fell ill, and had gone to the hospital to see a doctor who advised him to undergo tests. But after the tests came back negative, he returned home. But the man became very sick. Eventually he came to understand that it was the work of black magic and demons.

Day by day his condition deteriorated, and he had to be confined to bed. He told his wife that if any servant of Jesus Christ or any believer could pray for him, he would survive and not die. Sadly, there were no disciples of Jesus Christ in his unreached village. After a few days, very sadly, the man died.

After hearing this story, we were all broken hearted for the bereaved wife and two young children. The Hindu man had looked for someone who knew Jesus Christ, but there were no believers in the village. And so, he died.

There are many like this Hindu man living in unreached regions of India who have been overcome by demonic black magic or disease. But there are no trained harvest workers in such regions to minister supernatural healing and deliverance for them—after which the glorious gospel of our Messiah Jesus can be presented.”


The need recounted above is exactly what our workers in India are trained to meet: to heal the sick and cast out demons with supernatural authority and power in the name of our Messiah Jesus—after which the gospel is presented to an astonished and grateful family. In such a way, within five and a half years our trained workers serving under our Elijah Challenge Coordinator in India have led over 60,000 Hindus to Jesus Christ who are now being discipled in over 1,700 house churches. This is primarily in the Fundamentalist Hindu state of Orissa—where water baptism is illegal.

When the Lord provides more financial resources for The Elijah Challenge, we will send many more harvest workers into the untold thousands of unreached regions of India—like the village of Gananathpur in the story above. Our harvest workers will bring hope for supernatural healing and deliverance to Hindus suffering from untreatable disease and black magic—to be followed of course by the far greater HOPE FOR ETERNAL LIFE through our Messiah Jesus Christ.

Please pray that the Lord will provide IN ABUNDANCE for The Elijah Challenge to help fulfill the Great Commission during these very Last Days when the time is short—but when so much work remains to be done.

In Luke 10:2 Jesus said, ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. ASK THE LORD OF THE HARVEST, THEREFORE, TO SEND OUT WORKERS INTO HIS HARVEST FIELD.

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What did Jesus mean by “the laborers are few”?.