May 20, 2015 We receive the following email from Anthony L.: “I have a dear friend named Hazel. She and her husband are older. Maybe in their sixties but I am not sure. Hazel is a beloved coworker of mine at work, and her husband James has arrhythmia or a heart rhythm problem…he could die at any time. …I have prayed about the matter and was led to contact you. She’s a believer in Jesus.” May 21 We reply to Anthony: “Hazel called us earlier tonight, and we ministered to James for his heart condition, emphysema and COPD (a problem with breathing). We had Hazel lay hands on his heart and speak over him with authority in Jesus’ name, repeating after us. After that James felt a dramatic change in his heart and breathing—we heard them both praising and thanking the Lord excitedly immediately afterwards!” May 22 Anthony reports: “As of tonight, the day after you prayed over James, Hazel’s husband, he says that his chest now feels normal, no tightness or discomfort around his heart and lung area. It seems like the COPD, the emphysema and the heart issues are gone. He says he’ll try to get a report from his doctor at his next appointment to confirm the good results.” June 2 Anthony updates us: “His chest has recovered from the heart and breathing problems you mentioned and prayed over. So to summarize the COPD, emphysema, and the heart rhythm problem with irregular heartbeat and chest feeling all cramped up is healed! I think all three of those are by human means incurable, so the Lord has had a major victory in healing the impossible! Thank you in the Lord! I will update when I have the official results from the doctor.”
Symptoms of arrhythmia, emphysema, and COPD disappear over the telephone
by Elijah Challenge | May 19, 2015 | North American Reports, Recent Testimonies, Testimonials After Training