Demon-possessed Hindu man completely out of control would attack people with knife and other weapons (click for the testimony)
From the Fundamentalist Hindu state of ORISSA/ODISHA in India where baptism is ILLEGAL:
FINANCIAL SUPPORT REQUESTED to EQUIP & SEND mission workers—just as Jesus EQUIPPED & SENT His disciples to proclaim the kingdom of God & to heal the sick
Authority & Power VERSUS “the gift of healing”
(teachings which you’ve probably never heard)
.Endorsements for The Elijah Challenge
RESTORED NOW: miraculous works as in ACTS for reaching the unreachable in the Third World during these very Last Days
The great challenge in Third World missions during these VERY Last Days is reaching peoples who are very resistant to the gospel: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, idol-worshipers, animists, and those who practice and believe in witchcraft. In the past, the means for reaching such people groups were humanitarian in nature. By showing God’s love to them through works of mercy and compassion, some would gradually over time come to know Jesus as their only Lord and Savior.
During these VERY Last Days, the Lord is graciously restoring to the Church the approach by which the early disciples of Jesus reached their known world within two or three generations. In Acts it is recorded that unprecedented miracles of healing often took place through the early disciples convincing many idol-worshipper gentiles to believe in our Lord Jesus as their Messiah.
As part fulfillment of Daniel 12:4 (“knowledge shall increase”), the Lord is now showing us exactly how Jesus and His early disciples healed the sick and cast out demons in the gospels and Acts as irrefutable evidence that He is the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.
Ten Elijah Challenge Training Sessions on YouTube
Extraordinary ENDORSEMENT for The Elijah Challenge
Gospel workers in India trained in this way are now reaping wonderful harvests during these VERY Last Days by healing the sick as did the early disciples of our Lord Jesus. The link near the top of this page contains approximately 2,700 testimonies of the miraculous leading approximately 70,000 gospel-resistant Hindus, even high caste Hindus, to Jesus Christ since 2018. These are among the thousands of the reports of the miraculous received from the field. These miraculous works are NOT the result of the gift of healing, but rather the supernatural authority and power over diseases and demons which Jesus gave to all His disciples in Luke 9:1 and Luke 10:9 even before the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.
As of October 2024, 70,110 Hindus have come to Christ since 2018 in the state of Orissa (Odisha)—where water baptism is illegal. This figure includes the fruit of the ministry in states like Chhattisgarh bordering Orissa as well. These new believers are being discipled in over 1,988 new house churches (including 52 daughter house churches). Due to ongoing persecution from Fundamentalist Hindus, baptisms must be performed in secret every month. See the video down below of a Bible being burned.
Below that is a second video from the TV news in Orissa/Odisha in the local Oriya language. It shows the affirming reaction of the villagers after the body of a new believer who had just gone home to the Lord was refused burial. He and his family were the only followers of Jesus Christ in their village. The police were helpless to do anything for this family.
.The Fulfillment of Daniel 12:4 “…many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
CONSISTENT miraculous works in Missions for non-charismatic EVANGELICALS
The antichrist may be revealed in the near future, but what about the TWO WITNESSES of Rev. 11?
Baptisms in a region in the Third World where they are ILLEGAL (2023)
Below: Bible being burned by Fundamentalist Hindus…
Solemn oath made by Fundamentalist Hindus
Shondo What is Impossible with man is possible with TMH Gd . Have watched this in my own Life