In many big churches in the West today, the focus of the preaching is on how to receive from God the various blessings found in Scripture. Indeed God’s people face many challenges in life and have pressing needs. God indeed wants to help us as we pray for His various blessings on earth.

And while you’re engaged in life’s struggles, allow me to take you as a born-again believer a step further.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

“All these things” refer to our earthly needs like food, clothing, and other such needs. These will be provided for us if we first seek his kingdom.

The Greek word for “seek” (ζητέω) is defined by Thayer “to seek in order to find.” We are taught first to seek in order to find his kingdom. When we find his kingdom we will of course worship and serve our King. Servants of course do not constantly ask their king for help with their personal needs. Rather their primary job is to serve their king by carrying out his commands.

Psalm 119:125 I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes [and of course carry them out].

If we want God to answer our prayers for our personal needs, we should first worship Him and serve Him by obeying his holy commands. We should first seek his righteousness by living a holy and righteous life—just as he is righteous. This is very possible with the help and power of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.

One of his very important commands is called “The Great Commission”—that is, sharing his love and power to save with those who do not know him, especially those living in the vast regions of the earth where the gospel is not at all available.

If we worship God and seek his kingdom by obeying The Great Commission and living righteously as Jesus did, “all these things” will be given to us—all our earthly needs will be met.

That is what my wife and I have experienced personally in our ministry and our marriage. For the last 42 years we have first sought his kingdom and his righteousness in our lives. He has graciously kept his promise and provided for us “all these things.”

No, we are not at all rich in the worldly sense of the term. Far, far more importantly, however, we are now enjoying “heaven on earth” in our personal lives and in our ministry for the kingdom of God. Healthwise, we are still “fresh and green” as promised in Psalm 92. Our combined age as of 2020 is 137 years; neither of us however takes a single prescription medication. (My blood pressure hovers around 106/64.) In June 2020, we will have been happily married for 46 years. And—in the words of one popular mega-preacher—“the best is yet to come.” The Lord has graciously fulfilled his promise in Matthew 6:33 to us because we have first fulfilled his conditions. Far exceeding even this, he is enabling us to store our treasure in heaven, that is, our eternal reward in the age to come—separate from and in addition to eternal life.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Our earnest prayer every day is: “Lord, what can we do for you? Please open the door for us and give us opportunities to extend your kingdom on earth during these Last Days for the Great Commission to be fulfilled.”

The promise of this blessing is not only for us, but for all who choose to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.

Why are we not taught the important distinction between
Eternal LIFE and Eternal REWARD?