– Click on the links below –
- Chua Jesus van con chua lanh (Jesus still heals)
- Large ovarian cyst disappears overnight in England
- “Mass” healing & deliverance at a distance with Peter McMaster in Uganda
- Miraculous healings follow Elijah Challenge Training at Union Baptist Association
- Woman in the UK healed from angina at a distance from Houston
- The spirit of Elijah in Trinidad
- YouTube video from disciple who attended September 2012 Elijah Challenge Training in Houston
- Deaf woman hears
- 1,200 Hindus accept Christ; hundreds healed miraculously at a distance
- Miraculous healings in Navaho Nation, Arizona
- Our interpreter Ricardo Bueno launches out in Brazil with power
- Nigerian man set free from daily symptoms of heart attack
- God touches little boy in South Africa from Houston
- Elderly woman barely able to stand up climbs stairs and feels fine
- The gospel in Burkina Faso, Africa: as it was in New Testament times
- Houston woman cancer-free following persistent ministry
- Brazil: O seminário Desafio de Elias que foi feito uma matéria no Jornal Gazeta da Zona Sul (“Comunidade Cristã Bíblica do Grajaú promove Seminário Internacional de Curas e Milagres”)