From Dr. Tissa Weerasingha in Sri Lanka who hosted The Elijah Challenge in August 2014 and then again in March 2015. In addition to his Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Theological Seminary, he studied under John Wimber and Peter Wagner at Fuller Seminary where he received his Master of Divinity.

Extraordinary 2025 endorsement for The Elijah Challenge

April 2015

“As I mentioned when you were here [below in August 2014], you have the most Biblically sound teaching on the subject of signs and wonders, healing, faith and all related subjects including the Charismatic gift of healing and the James 5 model of healing. I am familiar with most of the well-known teachings on these subjects, and your exegesis, exposition as well as the signs and wonders that follow your teaching are unmatched.”

Dr. Weerasingha on the Training: “stunning…heaven on earth”

“I pray that many more doors will open for you so that you can bless and enrich the Body of Christ worldwide. The integrity, simplicity and humility that both you and your wife display have really touched our hearts and our pastors are seeing more and more signs and wonders in their churches after your visits….Today we had a workers’ meeting and again we were rejoicing in how the Lord is using you to teach others.”

September 2014

“The Training you conducted at our Conference August 21-24th, 2014 was greatly appreciated and very beneficial. We had as you know, nearly 500 participants both from Colombo and from our Branch churches. Your teaching was soundly based on the Bible, very systematically presented and the clearest and most logically presented teaching I have encountered on the role of miraculous healing and deliverance in the preaching of the gospel to those who never heard and to the gospel-resistant.

I had many of these thoughts myself, but could not find a single author who had systematized it and explained it the way you do in your presentations. In addition and equally importantly, your style, your demeanor and communication leave no room to doubt your sincerity and integrity in the ministry. This is indeed a great relief considering the behavior and gimmickry of so many who are engaged in “signs and wonders” ministries.

Your financial ethics and core values appear to be completely above reproach, which gave me and my associates and pastors so much comfort.  Your generosity in making your materials freely available to all is another evidence of your commitment to advance the cause of the Kingdom.

I find your teaching relevant to both cessationists and continuationists.  This is because your focus is on the power and authority given by our Lord for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in contradistinction to the charismata which is primarily within the confines of the church.

As you rightly state, since the Great Commission is not yet completed, the power and authority over disease and demons delegated to the Lord’s disciples for the proclaiming of the gospel of the kingdom of God to the lost have not yet ceased. I find this very Biblically tenable and theologically sound.

Testimonies are continuing to come in of healings through the ministries of the people exercising the training they received during your visit. In one rural church in one Sunday service, 15 people were healed through the ministry of those who were trained.

Thank you and God bless you and your ministry.”

Dr. Tissa Weerasingha
Chief Pastor, Calvary Church of Sri Lanka (with 100 daughter churches worldwide)
Founder/Principal Calvary Theological Seminary
President, Calvary International Ministries, Inc.
B.Th. Seattle Bible College, WA
M.A. Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA
1983 Best Thesis in Folk Religions Award, Fuller School of World

M.S. (Applied Psychology) University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
D.Min. Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA
Distinguished International Faculty Member, Haggai Institute, USA

November 13, 2014 Update

“…many of the pastors are following what you taught and are seeing healings happen. We are believing that the momentum will increase and we will see significant harvesting in the future. Thank you again for coming and blessing us.”

Extraordinary 2025 ENDORSEMENT for The Elijah Challenge

Other Endorsements of The Elijah Challenge Training

Endorsements on Video

Endorsement by Houston Pastor who hosted Reinhard Bonnke Crusade

Further comments on The Elijah Challenge from Dr. Tissa

CHARISMATIC FALLACIES by Dr. Tissa Weerasingha