Other Elijah Challenge events in Malaysia
The Elijah Challenge was hosted by Pastor Yuen Woh Voon and Full Gospel Tabernacle of Seremban
The town of Seremban is located an hour’s drive south of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia
First, the Basic Training
Classroom-type instruction is followed by hands-on practice in healing infirmities
The disciples were taught how to minister to people with hearing and visual disabilities. This man’s hearing was restored.
Then, the Evangelistic Healing Rallies
The trained disciples prepare to heal the infirm to confirm the gospel
Above & below: laying hands on the infirm
Ministering to toddler (center) with leukemia
Finally, the testimonies of miraculous healing
The Lord was gracious to multiply the miracles of healing through His trained disciples after the gospel had been presented. Quite a few people came up to the stage to testify of what the Lord had done for them. The miracles proved that Jesus was in fact the only way to the Father, and that all other ways lead to condemnation.
The toddler who had been suffering from leukemia saw his doctor the following day with his parents for a regular appointment. Testing determined that he had no more leukemia!
Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease fading away
Encouraged by what he has seen, Pastor Voon is now planning to take his people to a local evening flea market (known locally as “pasar malam”). There they will rent a space where they will put up a sign saying “FREE HEALING.” This will be a bold step forward for believers in Musl__m Malaysia where local authorities keep the gospel holed up inside church sanctuaries with threats of arrest if the gospel is taken outside where the lost are.