April 2011
Adelaide, Australia
During our final Training session at Clovercrest Baptist Church, a sister named Margaret originally from Africa began to exhibit demonic manifestations. Because of terrible trauma she suffered as a child in Sudan, she had demons which for many years had tormented her at night and even into the morning hours with physical attacks. I instructed some of the believers to take her to another room to cast the demons out of her in the name of Jesus while I continued the teaching. They ministered to her twice in this way. After the second time, Margaret came back into the room beaming. She testified before the brethren that the Lord had gloriously set her free from the demons as the believers drove them out from her with authority in Jesus’ name. It was a wonderfully “teachable moment” for the believers right in the middle of the final Basic Training session.
Later that day, Margaret testified powerfully about what the Lord had done for her before the people at the open-air outreach at Whitmore Square in downtown Adelaide.
The following morning we shared at the Sunday service of Grange Baptist Church in Adelaide. I gave the testimony of our missionary adventures in Indonesia, following it up with a brief crash course on healing the sick from Luke’s gospel. Afterwards I asked for someone with a heart condition to come forward to be healed. A woman named Tracy sitting in the front row responded. She had a heart condition which involved malfunctioning electrical signals in her heart, and was feeling pain and anxiety.
We laid hands on her, and commanded her heart to be healed in Jesus’ name. After a few moments Tracy’s body began to sway back and forth as God’s healing power began to course from her heart down to her legs, as she later testified. It was quite dramatic. Tracy then told the crowd that the pain in her heart had disappeared and she felt fine.
Later more people came up to receive healing prayer from the Baptist believers whom I called to the front to minister. Among those healed was their pastor who was suffering from a persistent back problem.