September 2013
Adelaide, Australia
The Lord enabled us to teach The Elijah Challenge effectively here, and during the healing demonstrations the Lord revealed his healing power through His disciples as they laid hands on the infirm. One touching testimony was from a little boy named Oliver who had come all the way from Perth (a five-day drive from Western Australia) with his parents Gill & Chris and 4 siblings to attend the Training.
One day during the event Oliver and his younger siblings found a injured bird lying on the ground outside. They decided to minister healing to the bird as they had been taught. They laid their hands on the bird and commanded it to be healed in Jesus’ name. After seven times of ministry, the bird got up and started walking around! The children began feeding it.
The bird grew stronger and stronger, and began flying again. It was decided that if it flies away and does not return, then so be it. But if it stays they will adopt it as a family pet.