
February 20, 2007 

Other Elijah Challenge events in Indonesia

The Elijah Challenge Basic Training coincided with the monthly pastors’ gathering in Ungaran, and so many pastors and their wives and full-time servants of the Lord were present to be equipped. The Lord powerfully anointed us to teach His servants in a morning session and an afternoon session. The demonstration of healing was marked by several testimonies of healing as the pastors ministered to one another through the laying on of hands and the exercise of authority. Prior to the training they did not understand their authority as believers and ministered to the infirm in the traditional way which is usually not effective. They were now equipped to heal the sick in the Evening Healing Service.


Above: pastors attending The Elijah Challenge Basic Training

Above: we instruct the pastors how to heal the infirm

Above: the pastor testifies the pain is gone

Above: now the turn of the pastors to heal infirmities

Above & below: the pastors minister to one another

Above & below: learning to heal the infirm

Above: testimony of healing by servant of God

The evening Evangelistic Healing Service was very special. Many poor and elderly people, especially women, were present. A pastor’s wife remarked that she felt the presence of many angels present as well as a strong anointing of the Holy Spirit. I had great confidence and faith that many miraculous healings would take place. After I preached the gospel from Isaiah 53, the trained pastors ministered to the infirm. The miracles were many and unusually powerful. One elderly woman testified and demonstrated that a tumor the size of a small grapefruit on her breast had shrunken to half its size. The servants of God ministered with much grace and power. There was much rejoicing as people testified one by one from the stage that Jesus had healed them.


Above: Evening Healing Service

Above: the trained pastors minister to the infirm

Above & below: people testify they are healed

Above & below: woman testifies she can walk and demonstrates it

Above & below: more testimonies of healings

At the end of the meeting, I asked the pastors who had just ministered healing so effectively if they would be able to hold the same kind of meetings in their own respective churches in the future. With one voice they answered, “Yes!”

This was fulfilled over two years later in June 29, 2009 when the pastors came together to host an open-air Evangelistic Healing Crusade where the gospel was preached and the sick were healed. Click here to read the report.