Tom (“Overboard”) Briggs of Salt Ministries
Tom’s initial report on The Elijah Challenge Training
Testimonies in the immediate aftermath of the Training
“William was my guest in my home, which is also where Open Air Seattle meets for home fellowship meetings and battle pre-ops (before street preaching and witnessing, etc).
William (as you can read and watch some videos) is a “David in the cave of Adullam,” in the area of training us nameless/faceless laborers of righteousness, repentance, holiness, (i.e., The Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus). This ”Elijah Challenge” training he has been teaching us these past three evenings totaling 9 hours is Biblical and sound doctrine, just as the Way of the Master is in training the basics of lawfully using the Law in Biblical evangelism.
My endorsement: I can testify before God in all good conscience that what the Holy Spirit has shown our brother William to do and train nameless/faceless “G.I.s” in the battle for souls in the public arena is an A-Bomb compared to the Ten Cannons (the Ten Commandments) that Ray Comfort is teaching [in Way of the Master]. Apostles Paul, Peter, John, Phillip the Evangelist, Stephen, etc. not only preached and taught the words and doctrine of salvation (repentance, and faith, holiness, etc.) through Jesus, but they also demonstrated the power of the Gospel with signs, wonders, and miracles to confirm the preaching/doctrine/theology of salvation.
We who are on the streets using the Way of the Master, Bible banners, sandwich boards, and salty preaching of Law to the proud & Grace to the humble…are NOT doing the “work of an evangelist” completely and fully as commanded and commissioned by our General Jesus. Why? We are not DEMONSTRATING the power of the cross, that is, all of the Good News the way Jesus trained his disciples to do.
“What?” you say? That’s correct! We are NOT healing the sick, casting out demons, cleansing lepers, raising the dead as Jesus commissioned and AUTHORIZED ALL disciples in evangelism to do! William, (and those he disciples) IS in 100% compliance with the Great Commission, because he and those he trains ARE “healing the sick, raising the dead, freely receiving, freely giving….” by the AUTHORITY given by our Commander-in-Chief, and Captain of our Salvation! This is why I wish to bring him and The Elijah Challenge to your attention.
My testimony after training:
William not only instructs, but has in-class/house ‘lab-class.’ Consequently, by putting into practice what we have been trained from Scripture to do, we have been healing one another’s sicknesses and infirmities through the authority, character and nature of Jesus’ Name as follows: After Wednesday training/Bible study lesson, William healed Elizabeth’s ankle, and shoulder pain, …THEN we each took turns praying for Mike Cruz’s infirm back, Nick’s infirm back, Thadeus’ broken hip, and his legs, his nicotine addiction, and Elizabeth and her daughter….ALL were healed! Furthermore, Thadeus could see light and shadows in his totally blind right eye! (A good beginning, amen?)
Thursday night (January 8) we ministered Jesus’ delegated authority when we healed Mike’s migraine headache, and Paul’s painful ankle.
Friday we learned how to heal en masse (at-a-distance like Jesus did in Luke 7 without the laying on of hands) as follows: myself, Mark Warren and Mike Cruz commanded and rebuked infirmities and pains to go and be healed in Jesus’ Name from across the living room as those afflicted laid hands on their infirmities. Of the eight receiving ministry, six had immediate relief and recoveries unto wholeness and healing!
We are anxious to take this new spiritual and mighty weapon of warfare into the battle as we preach, witness, tract, and….now, heal the sick and possessed. Freely we have received, so freely we will give….in TOTAL obedience to the Great Commission. Hallelujah to the Lion of Judah!
To you who have media via shortwave, satellite and internet broadcasts, please consider having William on your programs as a interview/guest.
Thank you, and bless you for obeying what the Spirit is saying to the ‘called out’ ones.”
-Tom Briggs at
Testimonies in the immediate aftermath of the Training
Testimony from Mark Warren
“Brother Paul has a testimony. His grandbaby was running a fever of 103 degrees and his wife and daughter were going to take her to the Emergency Room. Paul said he wanted to minister to her. Doing what he learned from William, he first rebuked the fever from a distance. Then a second time he laid his hands on her and commanded the fever to leave. His wife was holding her. He said that as soon as he rebuked the fever her body went cool. They took her temperature and it was down to 97 degrees! Then later his wife was talking and she had been having severe pain in her heal from standing or when standing at work. Paul asked her if she wanted him to minister to her and to lay his hand on her heel. She said “yes” and he did. He commanded the pain to leave her body, and it left. She went to work and came back and it did not return!”
Testimony from Annie Warren, daughter of Mark Warren
“We were in the car waiting at the stop light. A man was walking across the street. I think he was homeless—at least he looked homeless. He walked with a limp in one of his legs as if he was crippled. We commanded it to go in Jesus’ name. He went across the street. He stopped and looked up at the sky. And started walking straight without the limp. It was amazing!”
Testimony from Tom Briggs on January 15
I want to publicly thank our Lord Jesus and his humble servant, Brother William of, for discipling us at Open Air Seattle in the use and excercising of His authority given to us (and all obeyers of the Great Commission) by Jesus “to heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the lepers, and raise the dead” in the context of preaching and evangelism of the lost OUTSIDE of the “boat,” i. e., the Church. I now wish to publish what Jesus did through me today in Federal Way, Washington at around 1:30 PM PST.
There was a humanitarian outreach to the homeless at a church across the street from a wooded “forest” used by 40 or 50 homeless folks. Thadeus and I were there making ourselves ‘available’ to see what God would do through us at this free lunch outreach. After the folks were fed lunch, and given used clothing for the winter, things were winding down, and I was getting antsy…so I INITIATED what you are about to read!
I introduced myself to a woman named Martha sitting on the couch next to where I was. I expressed my overhearing her complaints of pains and general misery as she shuffled around with grimmacing and obvious discomfort. I explained that I was a street evangelist of the gospel of Jesus Christ and was recently trained how to heal disease and infirmities in Jesus’ Name in order that people may know that Jesus not only can forgive sins, but also heal them just like in the Bible days past. I asked if I could minister healing to her. She said, “Yes!” (O yes, Jesus! Let’s go!) I asked her what was bothering her, and she said pain in her stomach area due to gall stones, pain in her back due to spine curvature (scoliosis?), and pain in her lower back from a vertabrae/disc problem. (She had just been examined and given the diagnoses from a free medical exam team sponsored by King County which had been invited to be there as part of the free lunch event.)
I told her I wasn’t going to close my eyes and ‘pray’ for God to heal her, but rather I would take authority over her infirmities and command healing in Jesus’ Name with my eyes open! I asked her permission to touch her (fore)head and minister healing to her. She said “yes,” so I proceeded. Seven or eight seconds later, I stepped back and asked her what happened. She was speechless! I asked her to check her pain level. “If it was ’10’ before, what was it now?”
She said “There’s no more pain!” I said—not anticipating such outstanding results so soon—“Is it at a one, a two…a what?” She checked again and said “I feel fine!” I took her hand and asked her to get up out of the couch in which she was sitting. She stood excitedly and in wonderment. I said, “Praise Jesus! Why not tell someone here in the foyer what Jesus just did for you?” She said, “OK, yeah, thank you, Jesus!”
She told Thadeus who had just returned from down the hallway. He added to the joy by testifying and showing Martha his healing received during The Elijah Challenge training last Wednesday at my house. His old hip fracture prevented his movements, but he showed her his healing by doing three or four deep knee bends, then he also testified to Jesus delivering him from (as of last Wednesday) cigarette nicotine addiction, and he was still “sober!”
After things calmed down, I told Martha this would all be in vain if after she died she ended up in hell because of her sins against God and His Law. I offered her some gospel tracts, so she took 6-7 to share with her friends in the woods across the street. Praise the Lord. Elijah has returned to prepare the way of the coming of Jesus to claim His Bride and judge the world in righteousness. O come quickly, but not too quickly—we’ve a lot of harvest to get in the Barn, but the laborers are few—still in their boats, waiting for the fish to jump into their boats, I guess, right?
Testimony from Lisa on January 15
“I had several hours of dizziness today, felt like I might get sick. When [my husband] Toby came home, I was in bed, very weak. He took authority and I was healed instantly! I couldn’t believe it, I was standing there, doing things that had made me nauseous most of the day (something as simple as turning a different direction) and I was fine, totally fine! Thank you, Jesus! Isn’t that amazing! We were both staring at each other in awe, almost speechless – it was gone, I was fine!”
Testimony from Open Air Seattle and Tom Briggs on January 16
“Today I was so aware of the new mantle of authority and power upon me as I went to the streets with banner and sandwich boards—the authority to preach and demonstrate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. In addition, I made a greaseboard sandwich sign saying “FREE PRAYER for your HEALTH and PAINS.” On my favorite fishing corner (Hwy 18 and Auburn Way South) many pedestrians came to wait for the light change. I asked if they were in good health or not.
One man (Dave) came through the crosswalk and started to tear up, as He was grateful I was standing for righteousness and Jesus in public. But also his weak faith was almost dead, and he was afraid he was going to drop out and abandon his anemic hope/faith in Jesus. It turned out he was a former “youth leader” from a church, out on the streets homeless, and his left knee was in great pain.
I asked permission to lay hands on his head. I rebuked the pain in his knee, commanding it leave in Jesus’ Name. He said it was 60% better. I laid my fingers on the knee and commanded again. This time I asked him to do a deep knee bend. I coaxed him by holding his hand as he dipped lower, lower, lower, and came back up. He was confused. Mind you, this was done in full view of cars stacked up within 20 feet of us and at the adjacent intersections, people were watching this strange event. We were interrupted by another worse-off transient man. I eventually rebuked the alcohol demon and commanded it to come out after sharing the gospel. I gave him a tract and some cash—all in full view of waiting motorists. We all hugged, just to top it off!
In just ninety minutes, thousands of motorists read my Bible banners and signs, some of who witnessed New Testament ministry to the infirm and possessed, alms given to the poor, and 13-14 pedestrians got gospel tracts and exhortations to turn from sin and trust Jesus.”
Testimony from Elizabeth Nebenfuhr on January 16
I write to you this day with excitement and expectation. I received a letter about a friend named Lori who is the hospital with cancer which has spread to her brain and other areas of her body. She was only expected to live for a few days to a couple of weeks, but it now has been well over a month ago. Praise God! I have visited the Hospice Care Home where she now lives since she needs full-time care. With Lori I was not sure of her salvation, so I prayed and asked the Lord what I should do. I stopped by at the Hospice and sat with her for hours. Then I felt it was time to apply all that the Holy Spirit has taught me through the Word and also what was taught [at The Elijah Challenge Training]. Mind you, I had only had one night of teaching with The Elijah Challenge. I took the bull by the horns and… I shared the gospel with her, and she asked the Lord to be her Lord…
I then began to pray in the Holy Spirit [Jude 20] and asked God what He wanted to do, So I took authority and told those spirits they no longer have a place to dwell and they must leave. I could sense deliverance as she renounced involvement with anything ungodly in her life…
She opened her eyes and looked at me as I was leaning over her looking at her and said, “What was that?” I could see the peace that came over her as she radiated a peaceful smile. I said, “You have just been filled with the Spirit of the Lord.” It was amazing.
Now to expand on the letter that Lori’s sister sent to me, Lori is up and out of bed—not yet walking—but up in her wheelchair because her legs are still weak; she is going to Physical Therapy. She is more alert and she does not have the fear that she had before. She is able to sleep and no longer seems to be tormented by dreams and what the medical field call hallucinations. She is eating and also spending more time awake then asleep. She is doing crossword puzzles to keep her mind alert. PRAISE GOD! She also asked me about the light that was in the room while I was praying for her. She asked, “Where did that Light come from?” I told her it was Jesus. OH, HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT!
William, thank you so much for being obedient to the Lord’s call and coming up here to Brother Tom’s humble abode and teaching God’s army that all He has shown them, all with which He has equipped them—all with which He has filled them in order to do the ministry of the Lord to bring His Kingdom authority to earth—now being SENT FORTH, FOR SUCH A TIME SUCH AS THIS! Thank you for teaching the principles of “mountain-moving faith.” I cannot wait to send more testimonies of God’s faithful love.
Tom and William were interviewed by Rich Keltner on Watchmen Radio in New York on Saturday evening, January 17. To listen to Tom’s further reports on the miraculous healings Open Air Seattle witnessed earlier that day as they ministered and shared the gospel with the homeless, please click on: Then click on the “play” button.
Tom reported that during the ministry to the homeless, “a man dropped to his knees in tears and repentance calling on Jesus to save and deliver him from sin and bondages—he was reaped! He was ‘born from above’! Hallelujah! And this is the whole reason for open air preaching with signs and wonders following —sinners redeemed and sanctified, justified and ultimately glorified!”
Testimonies from Tom Briggs
Jesus healed a homeless guy’s back through me Tuesday afternoon while I was “on duty” manning my “watchtower” at the corner of Hwy 18 and Auburn Way South. His friend asked me to deliver him from alcohol spirits. The back was healed… but, the spirits? I said , “Yes,” by faith.
Ken, the alcoholic from whom I cast out alcohol spirits on Tuesday, came by my “watchtower” again this afternoon (Thursday). I asked him “how goes the battle with alcohol…any difference?” He said, “better” and said he got sick when he tried to drink again! He thanked me again and was very grateful for my concern and prayer for him on Tuesday and wished God’s blessing on me….the Kingdom of God is nigh to him.
Tonight Thadeus and I went to Tacoma for the weekly “Under the Bridge” homeless feeding held by multiple churches. It was dim and crowded, very noisy due to the rock ‘n roll band. I lifted our little sandwich board over my head advertising “Free Prayer for Healing” and held a flashlight on it with my other hand and walked among the crowd. Robert got healed of spinal curvature due to old back injuries and the back pain left. Kathy was delivered of migraine symptoms (headache and nausea) and shoulder pain. Another man was healed from arthritic pain in his shoulders and from upper back pains. Another man wanted deliverence from alcohol demons. Another man asked us to heal his son’s tumor “long distance-style.” We believe healing has begun. (I told him to come next week to testify to us and the crowd). We definitely will go back next Friday night as many homeless are “steady comers” to this event, and I will bring my bullhorn for more bold presence and presentation of the real and only Bible Jesus. His gospel will be preached with signs following! Those we talked to received gospel tracts and were more than willing to take them after what Jesus did for them through us.
Report from Tom Briggs on January 24
Here are a few miracles God did through His street preaching servants of O.A.S. at Pioneer Square as we boldly and loudly preached the salt and light of God’s commands for sinners everywhere to repent and believe the Gospel.
I can’t speak for the seven other faithful laborers, but I asked Tony if he had any aches and pains. He said his legs felt on fire and his ankle hurt. I laid a hand on each knee and commanded the pain to get out in Jesus’ Name. He was totally healed, except his ankle still hurt. I laid my hand on his ankle and commanded it to be healed, and it was! He was very surprised and was rejoicing! An hour later, he came back and was still all smiles.
Next was Michael—a backslidden homeless man with a limp and cane. Thad, John, Jeremiah, and Elizabeth laid hands on his spine, hips, legs and after three commands, Michael was totally delivered from pain. Two hours later he demonstrated his healing received from the Lord by climbing a tree and running and jogging! He gave us his cane as a testimony to others. Michael also had a cataract growing over his right cornea. I laid my fingers over his closed eyelid and after I commanded twice in Jesus’ Name and authority, he could see better. He is expecting a recovery in total.
On the darkside, a homeless man joined us uninvited and started “amen”-ing us, and chiming in with his Bible verses. He sounded like a preacher of righteousness, BUT soon the demon(s) manifested as he began rebuking us, accusing us of falsehoods, and so forth. His demon challenged us to cast him out of the rebrobated ex-Christian. He finally shut up and left the area. This is very similar to the fortune teller who hounded Paul saying he was preaching the way to God, and so forth. And Paul cast the demons out of her. This man won’t get delivered from his demons until he is falling into the hands of the angry and living God on Judgment Day!
[Editor’s note: People who consciously want their demons generally cannot be delivered from them. God honors their free will.]
Report from Tom on February 5
I healed a woman’s arthritic knee on Wednesday. (The Lord, not I—I say it that way in order to instruct new inquirers of their authority to do the same in His stead as His ambassador.) I lose count of all the people God has been touching through my, and Open Air Seattle’s obedience to preaching the REALLY GOOD NEWS, ALL of it! Some of us make opportunities to minister The Elijah Challenge [by healing the sick and casting out demons] more than others of us do during our weekly routines and job schedules. But we as a team have been going back to Pioneer Square each weekend since you left Seattle, and each time people have been healed of various ailments, demons, etc. We are being faithful with the “talents” God has given us through you.
Boy healed at a distance from brain tumor