Can “prayer” become an IDOL for a believer?
Why was Jesus so “unreasonable”—expecting his disciples to heal the epileptic boy in Matthew 17?
Progressive Liberal Government and the Traditional Church today
Why do progressive liberals in America favor Islam over Christianity?
Many sermons and worship songs today assume and expect Christians to be weak
Does Scripture teach that believers cannot help but sin everyday?
The 100,000 Syrians coming to America: how to reach them without studying the Koran
Should every believer speak in an unknown tongue after they are filled with the Holy Spirit?
Why the baptism of the Holy Spirit today is different from Acts
Unity in the Church from an unexpected perspective during these Last Days
The New Testament Perspective on Miraculous Healing
What is “the children’s bread” in its proper context?
Why there were no “prosperity churches” in the early Church
Why has the Church failed to fulfill the Great Commission after 2,000 years?
If you know how to cast out demons, you can already heal the sick!
An open letter to our Cessationist Brethren: “Please consider us a special case!”
“Pendulum” – Swinging between dry evangelicalism & charismania
“Judas Iscariots” in the Church today
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare
Does God’s promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14 apply scripturally to America?
What have we accomplished a half-century after the “20th Century Outpouring of the Holy Spirit”?
Can the Model of the Church in America survive the Last Days?
“What uplifting preaching…WOW!!!”
The Failure of Democracy in America (and in the Church)
Night is now coming to America
Still more non-traditional topics for your perusal & study...