Katy, Texas
March 16, 2013
Reports from Sue & Rosemary in Katy, Texas
On a Saturday in March 2013 trained Houston disciples reached out with the gospel in a park in Katy, Texas, a suburb west of Houston. The Lord’s grace was very evident. Here is the report we received from Sister Sue who is one of the leaders of the Katy Outreach:
“God provided an absolutely beautiful day for the Gospel message to be spoken!
We were united with many other brothers and sisters as we prayed over, commanded, and fed many people and spoke the message of Jesus Christ.
We had one boy come up and accept Christ and Kurt Simms led him in accepting Christ as his Savior. His mother came over and talked to us about what a blessing this was because the young people today are falling away and her son was among them. She teared up as she spoke of this miracle that we were in the park that day.
Another man had knee problems and was healed from the pain. A woman with high blood pressure was truly touched as her tears showed as we commanded the blood pressure to subside.
Another man had diabetes and the men ministered to him. Another man had bi-polar. Two men went and ministered to him.
Another amazing God thing happened. Dennis Green brought the Elijah Challenge sign. Some couples had come to the park for a picnic. They asked me ‘Are William & Lucille here?’ They were from The Encourager Church in Houston and said they were trained believers! They even joined in ministering to James!
Many others were spoken to and healed, but these are the ones that I know about.
The day was glorious as the breeze blew and the worship band sang praises to our King!
So much more to be told, but this was a portion of the day.”
From outreach co-leader Rosemary:
“We had an awesome time in the park yesterday! It was so encouraging to see believers so excited doing the Lord’s work. I am amazed at how he brings us together. People were going out gathering people at the park to come hear Kurt and the band and have hot dogs. They were also sharing the gospel with people around the park.
People were drawn in by the band too. You could hear Ossy and the band all across the park. I had some ladies who lived near the park come over because they heard the band. They were excited about what we were doing.
There was a lady who kept walking by and checking us out. I finally went to talk to her and she was brought to tears by what we were doing seeing Christians at work. I invited her to sit with us and several ladies just kept loving on her. She stayed with us most of the afternoon. She cried the whole time. I know God was touching her.
We also had a couple sitting with us just praising the Lord with us. They didn’t speak English, but you could tell they knew the Lord. I know many seeds were planted and healings took place about which Sue has shared. We were all excited and very encouraged. To God be the glory!
Restoration in the Last Days
The Lord is restoring the Church everywhere—both in the Third Word as well as in the “post-Christian” West—in order for us to fulfill the Great Commission before the great and terrible Day of the Lord.